Many would say that teen years are meant to be the most fun time in one’s life – embracing the whole concept of living young, wild, and free. Be that as it may, there is a fine line between foolhardiness and vandalism of public property.

A video capturing an incident of vandalism of public property involving a couple of teenagers has been circulating on social media lately. The video shows an alleged drunk teenage boy barbarically striking a safety convex mirror until it shatters while his friends filmed the whole scene.

Originally posted on Instagram Stories, the video series was later compiled and re-uploaded on Facebook pages such as SG Road Vigilante and

In the audioless 31-second footage, a bespectacled teenage boy can be seen repeatedly punching the safety convex mirror until the glass shatters.

At the end of the recording, there is a caption that says, “My frend was drunk ok it was so funny HAHAHAHA”.

It is unclear when and where the incident took place.

Watch the video here:


The Instagram account – username ‘kendrictoh‘ – that posted the Instagram Stories no longer appears to be available.

These convex safety mirrors are said to be pivotal at blind spot junctions.

According to the Vandalism Act, anyone found guilty of stealing, destroying, or damaging any public property shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding S$2,000 or face imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3 years.

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