
网民Kailin Ng,于本月3日在脸书上帖文指出,她日前和儿子艾登(Aden)到星耀樟宜星空花园(Canopy Park)的“雪道”(Snow Walk)景点游玩时,本想让孩子看看《冰雪奇缘》中的雪道景点,但是却发现该景点有限制,仅允许穿包鞋的访客入内使用,因此无法进入设施内。










她表示在看到Kailin Ng的帖文时,曾经留言对其儿子无法进入“雪道”感到遗憾,也对孩子的明白事理表示欣慰。



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I was not given a chance to present my side of the story on any of the media articles, which have led to a bit of misunderstanding. We were at @jewelchangiairport the day after one of my scariest as a parent, to find some way to de-stress and forget about the whole drinking-glass-breaking-in-Luke’s-mouth saga. We queued up for the Snow Walk. We wondered if we could go in with our sandals. We saw other children in the queue with their parents, and they were allowed entry to the Snow Walk with their open-toe sandals. When it was our turn to take the walk, we asked whether our shoes were ok. We were given the ok to go. There was no preferential treatment, nor did we insist on any. All I wanted was to have a happy day out with my family, and we did enjoy ourselves. Every parent wishes the best for their child, I am no different. Safety is the most important when it comes to having fun. I am happy to follow clear, well-defined safety measures for all activities, and I hope that rules are always well-enforced. As for topics of discussion other than safety, I honestly don’t think they are relevant to this incident.

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另一方面,Kailin Ng也在脸书上指出,已经接获星耀樟宜的联系,接受有关解释,并且不会再追究了。


她也指出,会在光顾星耀樟宜,当局也送了她资生堂森林谷(Shiseido Forest Valley)的景点门票作为补偿。


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