Earlier today (21 Nov), Gojek announced that it will be signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Esso to strengthen their strategic relationship and bring greater benefits to its driver-partners.
Esso, which is a brand of oil and gas company ExxonMobil Asia Pacific Pte Ltd, runs the largest network of service stations in Singapore and will continue to be Gojek’s preferred fuel partner.
Meanwhile, Gojek driver-partners will enjoy additional fuel rebates from an ongoing joint initiative between Esso, DBS Bank, and Gojek. Gojek driver-partners can also look forward to new joint offerings such as discounted car wash and shopping in convenience stores at Esso service stations.
Gojek’s growing relationship with Esso reinforces its continued commitment to maintaining choice in Singapore’s ride-hailing market. What’s more, Gojek recently kicked off a month-long series of initiatives to mark the ride-hailing service’s first anniversary since its launch in Singapore.
In celebration of Gojek’s first anniversary in Singapore, Gojek driver-partners will be able to enjoy additional 3% in fuel rebates from 2 December to 29 December 2019, which translates into up to 36% in rebates when they purchase fuel at any Esso station islandwide.
These benefits are available to all eligible Gojek driver-partners on GoalBetter, Gojek’s dynamic, ever-growing driver benefits programme, which currently features fuel rebates, prolonged medical leave insurance, medical consultation services, as well as mobile discounts.
“It’s one thing to form partnerships with fantastic companies. It’s another to continually optimise those partnerships to generate even greater returns for the partners and our stakeholders. Since our launch in Singapore, Esso has been a key partner of Gojek. We’re excited to find new ways to work with them to bring even more competitive fuel-related benefits to our driver-partners,” said Mr Lien Choong Luen, General Manager of Gojek Singapore.
“Gojek and Esso have a common vision to bring sustained value to Gojek driver-partners and we are working closely to bring even better benefits to them through our partnership,” added Edwin Lee, Retail Sales Manager of ExxonMobil Asia Pacific Pte Ltd.
For more information on fuel rebates, click here.

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