Low-cost carrier Scoot earlier today (29 July) announced the introduction of 16 new A321neo aircraft to its fleet to help the airline meet its double-digit growth plans by the end of financial year 2020/2021.
Of the 16 aircraft, six are an upsize from Scoot’s current A320neo order from Airbus, while the other 10 will be leased.
The first aircraft, named “Wings of Change”, is said to be delivered within the last quarter of 2020 and it will be used on routes within six hours (medium-haul markets).
The A321neos, powered by Pratt & Whitney engines, will be delivered from Airbus’ final assembly line. The single-aisle aircraft will be fitted with 236 seats, 50 more than that of the A320neo.
“The A321neos will inject growth possibilities to our network plans for 2020 and beyond, and it is indeed apt that we have named the first aircraft ‘Wings of Change’. Customers will be greeted by our brand-new cabin interiors, with seat products they are already familiar with. We hope the process of introducing this new fleet into our Scoot family will be as exciting for our customers as it is for us,” said Mr Lee Lik Hsin, CEO of Scoot.
Additionally, with the new A321neo, there is an expected fuel cost savings of 12% and 20% as compared to the A320neos and A320neos, respectively.
Meanwhile, on the environmental front, there is an expected 50% reduction in noise footprint and nitrogen oxide emissions as well as a reduction of 5,000 tonnes less carbon dioxide per year for each aircraft.

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