You don’t need a mask or cape to be a hero, you just need to stand up and take action in times of need.
Case in point, a young Singaporean not only recorded the foul action of a teenage school boy touching himself at the sight of a teenage school girl, but went as far as alerting the authorities and keeping the female victim safe from the alleged harasser’s reach until the police arrived.
The young Singaporean hero, who goes by the name Kurt Mikhail (@froyokurt on Twitter), uploaded a series of videos in a Twitter thread on 3 July, detailing the whole incident which took place onboard a public bus.
In the first video, the teenage school boy can be seen touching himself while focusing his attention in one direction. Apparently, the boy had his eyes fixed on a teenage school girl. The caption of the tweet read:
“if y’all see this shit contact the police immediately and separate the victim from the person. it’s disgusting i had to witness it first hand but im glad my mum raised me to not just sit and watch when these things happen. don’t ever think twice about helping someone in need.”

In the next video, Kurt can be seen blocking the boy from getting close to the girl he was gawking earlier. Kurt noted that the girl was extremely frightened by the boy’s approach. The caption of the tweet read:
“he kept trying to leave and the girl was srsly damn frightened sia”
In the subsequent video, the boy can be seen attempting to alight from the bus by forcing open the door, but was prevented from doing so. The caption of the tweet read:
“we had to forcefully keep him in the bus like damn annoying he keep trying to break the door or some shit”
In the last tweet, Kurt revealed that the police eventually arrived at the scene and took charge of the situation. However, he was not informed by the authorities on what actions would be taken against the boy.
“The girl’s family came down and thanked me for helping them. The girl felt a lot better after the situation was dealt with and I’m glad she’s okay,” he added.
In the reply section of his Twitter thread, many netizens, including several victims of sexual harassment, praised Kurt for taking action and standing up for the girl instead of standing idle.

Note: The videos uploaded in this article have been edited with the identity of the alleged harasser censored.
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