In response to media queries, the Elections Department (ELD) has said that the message that has been circulating on WhatsApp which offers temporary work in a “general election project” is not an official notice.

“The public is advised to exercise caution and not to provide their personal data without verification,” said ELD.

The WhatsApp message that has been circulated around, wrote that 500 temporary staff are to be hired for “the upcoming General Election Project” between September and October, with training in August.

Working hours is estimated to be between 10 to 12 hours and the temporary staff will earn $200 a day and $25 for four hours of training.

The message also asked interested parties to send their details such as full name, NRIC number and date of birth for “clearance purposes”. Duties include “registration” and “booth set up”, and that the areas they will work in include the west, north-west and central parts of Singapore.

In its statement, an ELD spokesman said: “The Elections Department (ELD) would like to clarify that a WhatsApp message asking applicants to sign up for a general election project is not an official notice put up by ELD.”

There is no mention of who is the hiring agency for this project in the WhatsApp message, other than a mobile number given for those interested to contact.

TOC tried to call the given number and only reached the voice mailbox.

The spokesman added that those who wish to provide information related to such scams can contact the police hotline at 1800-255-0000, or submit details at To seek scam-related advice, members of the public can also call the anti-scam helpline at 1800-722-6688 or go to

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