Amnesty International Hong Kong (AIHK) has invited blogger Leong Sze Hian to give a talk on the issue of freedom of expression issue this Sunday (6 January) on Facebook Live.

Entering 2019, AIHK has introduced a new broadcast program, Human Right Live Broadcast presented via Facebook Live, to analyse hot topics in the city from a human rights perspective.

For their inaugural episode, AIHK invited Leong and Dr Chung Kim-Wah, Assistant Professor of Applied Social Sciences at the HK Polytechnic University, to discuss the issue of defamation and freedom of expression. Both speakers had previously been sued by local political leaders for defamation.

Leong was sued by Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong for defamation over a Facebook share. As such, PM Lee commenced legal proceedings against Leong for defamation. In response, Leong started raising funds for his defence case against Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s defamation suit and for a countersuit on PM Lee for abusing the court process.

Chung, on the other hand, wrote an article published by online portal Stand News in HK.  Former chief executive Leung Chun-ying sent legal letters to Stand News and scholar Chung, demanding the withdrawal of an article and its accompanying picture, which Leung claimed were defamatory. The article by Chung mentioned a widely-reported dinner at a Lau Fau Shan restaurant in February 2012 between Leung’s aides and people who allegedly had triad ties.

The 1st broadcast is set to be on 6 January at 1pm, and all are invited to watch at Amnesty International Hong Kong 或@ Stand News Facebook pages.

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【冠状病毒19】闻讯后多方求助 女儿成功越堤与病母相聚

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