Internet Security System / image:

The Cyber Security Agency of Singapore (CSA) has informed on Friday (10 Feb) that it is organising the Live Savvy with Cybersecurity campaign, its first national cybersecurity awareness campaign.
The campaign will be launched by Guest-of-Honour, Minister for Communications and Information and Minister-in-Charge of Cybersecurity, Dr Yaacob Ibrahim on 11 February 2017, with a carnivalesque roadshow at Toa Payoh Town Hub Atrium.
The campaign will show that cybersecurity is not technical nor difficult to apply, and it can be simplified into easy-to-adopt steps for everyone.
CSA encourage a mind-set to secure one’s digital assets, in the likeness of people automatically lock their door and windows before leaving their homes
Admission is free at the roadshow, which will be held from 10.00am to 6.00pm on 11 and 12 February, the release said.
Aside from the roadshow, the campaign will utilise a network of outreach channels spanning online and broadcast mediums in the following months to convey how everyone can be a target and that they should take steps to protect themselves online.
The roadshow is an initiative of the Cyber Security Awareness Alliance and is supported by Govtech, Media Literacy Council, National Crime Prevention Council, the Personal Data Protection Commission and REACH Singapore.
The roadshow will feature six zones with fun and interactive activities for all age-groups.  A prize will be awarded to participants who complete the respective activity at each zone; with a grand prize to be claimed after all six zones are completed.
Highlights include:

  • A ‘SavvyCheck’ trivia station to test one’s cybersecurity knowledge;
  • A shooting gallery-style game for participants to ‘take-down’ known cyber threats;
  • A quiz for participants to gauge their cyber-savviness level and garner customised tips on cybersecurity.

Mr David Koh, Chief Executive, CSA commented: “Through this campaign, we want to reach out to the community to highlight that cyber threats can have major repercussions on our daily lives. We all have a part to play in making cyberspace safe and we should all play our part well.”
“By taking small steps to enhance our cyber hygiene, we can have a safe online experience and enjoy the benefits that technology brings,” Mr Koh said.
CSA informed that at the carnival public can approach volunteer cyber champions for information and advice on cybersecurity-related issues. Citizens and permanent residents who have not set up their Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) can visit the SingPass 2FA booth with their original NRIC or FIN card for assistance to set it up on-the-spot.
Information on CSA is available at its website.

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