Source : YouTube snip.

The Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) announced today (27 September) that it has shortlisted five teams from local and international firms to proceed to Stage 2 of the Request for Proposal (RFP) exercise to develop a master plan for the Jurong Lake District.

URA said in its press release that this marks another important step towards realising the vision of Jurong Lake District as a ‘District of the Future’ and our second Central Business District.

The search was launched in July this year which attracted 35 multi-disciplinary teams. These teams consist of tie-ups between local and international firms with good track record in the fields of master planning, urban design, transport planning, architecture, infrastructure planning, landscape design, environmental sustainability and engineering, and urban logistics.

The five teams scored the highest for their track record and quality of their submitted statement of planning and design intent and approach. The statements set out the direction and strategies the teams intend to take in developing the Concept Master Plan for Jurong Lake District, as well as their analysis of key constraints and challenges for the area and how these could be overcome.

Also taken into account were the team’s collective experience and ability to master plan for a good quality, high-density mixed use urban district centred around a high-speed rail station, with a focus on transport planning and integration. The level of creativity and innovation shown by the shortlisted teams in their past key projects, and how these would be relevant to the master planning for Jurong Lake District, were also considered.

Source : URA.
Source : URA.

Shortlisted teams would spend 10 weeks to develop and submit their Conceptual Master Plan and Proposals for Jurong Lake District by end 2016 in Stage 2 of the RFP.

An evaluation panel comprising senior representatives and practitioners from government agencies, academia and industry would be convened to assess the five proposals and select one of the teams as the appointed consultant by January 2017.

The appointed consultant would later work with URA and relevant agencies to draw up a detailed Master Plan proposal for Jurong Lake District. To gather public feedback, there would be an exhibition of the proposal in the second quarter of 2017.

The appointed consultant will then work with URA and relevant agencies to consider the feedback from all stakeholders and refine the plans, before submitting final detailed proposals for the Jurong Lake District.

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