While some were calling for restraint and some calling for more popcorns in yesterday’s drama between the two descendants of Singapore’s much revered politician, late Mr Lee Kuan Yew, Dr Lee Wei Ling and Singapore’s Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, (read more) an unexpected post came from Mr Lee Hsien Loong’s wife, Ho Ching.
In the same late afternoon that PM Lee posted his defence against what was claimed in Dr Lee’s email exchange, a photo of a young Japanese Macaque showing its middle finger was posted on Ho’s personal Facebook page.
Netizens speculated that the post was made in response to Dr Lee’s publication of email exchange and the comment made upon her husband, that he is a “dishonourable son” while some questioned if it even happened.
However, this is proven to be true when Ho posted a clarification message on her Facebook account for the image posted yesterday and offered her “embarrassed apologies” as a Twitter newbie.

For those familiar with Facebook and Twitter, one can set the two accounts to link for posts to be republished on either of the account. (read more)
Ho wrote on her post that she had been playing around with Twitter on Sunday and have been trying out different buttons, “seeing what can or cannot be done.”
She said that she discovered Twitter reposts pictures without captions, and added, “unfortunately one of the pictures could be misunderstood on its own.”, which most likely to be referring to the photo of the monkey.
Ho said that she took down the photo as soon as a friend alerted her.
However an interesting point to note,  Ho did not elaborate on what was the intended caption for the image to be published during such a sensitive period for her husband.

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