BANGKOK (22 July 2014) – The United Nations Human Rights Office for South East Asia (OHCHR) today expressed deep concerns over the resumption of executions in Singapore after 3 years of suspension, despite the overwhelming global trend towards abolishing the death penalty. Last Friday, the Central Narcotics Bureau of Singapore announced the execution of two individuals convicted for drug offences.  Reportedly, 23 detainees remain on death row in Singapore, many of them being convicted for drug-related offences.
The death penalty is an extreme form of punishment and, if used at all, should only be imposed for the most serious crimes, after a fair trial that respects the most stringent due process guarantees as stipulated in international human rights law. In accordance with international human rights jurisprudence, drug-related offences do not meet the threshold of “most serious crimes” for which the death penalty may be applied. In March 2014, the United Nations International Narcotics Control Board urged States that still impose the death penalty for drug-related offences to abolish that punishment.
While OHCHR acknowledges efforts by the Government to review cases of individuals awaiting capital punishment since the new statutory provisions -that removed the mandatory death penalty for certain crimes- came into force in 2013, the UN Human Rights Office appeals to Singapore to take necessary measures to review and abolish the death penalty for drug offences. OHCHR also encourage the Government to establish an official moratorium on all executions in accordance with General Assembly resolutions (Resolution 67/176 in 2012, 65/206 in 2010, 63/138 in 2008, and 62/149 in 2007); and commute all death sentences.

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卫生部表示,一名感染新型冠状性病毒的患者,已经康复出院。 据卫生部周二(4日)表示,该名病患为35岁中国武汉男子,是本地第七起确诊病例,经过全面检测后,均呈现阴性,达到了出院标准。 对此,卫生部召开记者会表明,“我们今日(4日)有一名病患出院,经治疗后已无出现相关症状,他同时也连续接受了三天的检查,其检测结果均呈阴性,因此,确认他不会再有感染的风险。” 据了解,该名病患于1月23日抵达我国,隔日出现新型冠状性病毒相关症状,被送往莱佛士医院接受治疗,随后被转介至国家传染病中心(NCID),于1月27日确诊。 卫生部也指出,医生也将会持续密切留意病患的情况,同时也补充道,另一名病人也出现好转现象,正准备在未来几天内出院。 该部表示,目前仍无法全面确定,因为医生仍需每日检查病人的状况,但也有部分病人的状况已逐渐出现好转,至少三名患者已无出现相关症状;另五名患者则必须仰赖呼吸器协助呼吸,卫生部表示,这是因为他们有出现肺炎症状。 公立医院内所有肺炎患者均需接受新型冠状性病毒检测 与此同时,卫生部也表示,自上周以来,公立医院内所有肺炎患者均需接受新型冠状性病毒检测,而且在同日,亦检查出六起确诊病例。 其中包括其中有四名病患近期内都没有到过中国,包括一名印度尼西亚籍女佣. 针对我国是否有能力检测大量肺炎患者,卫生部医药服务副总监麦锡威教授指出,肺炎已成为新加坡第二大死因,占我国死亡人数的五分之一以上,每周大约会有500至600名肺炎患者需要接受病毒检测,因此不必担心检测的能力。 此外,根据《海峡时报》报道,除了公立医院,私家私人医院也将会对肺炎病患进行病毒检测。

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