By Yasmeen Banu
In recent weeks, the LGBT (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender) topic has sparked numerous controversial comments, from pastors to academic scholars, since Health Promotion Board braved same-sex relationship questions.
Much recently however, besides Lawrence Khong, Associate Professor Syed Muhd Khairudin Aljunied created a whirlwind of concerned, angry, and for the most part, upset students over his views on lesbianism.
On the 20th of February, Associate Professor Khairudin made a post on Facebook answering a question about liberal Islam and its support for lesbianism.
The Associate Professor at National University of Singapore (NUS) condemned the movement and although he had reasonable suggestions to discourage such behaviours, the tone in which the reply was made was perceived as outwardly strong and untactful.
Amongst his recommendations of “winning the heart of the misled youths”, Associate Professor Khairudin suggested using the power of technology and involving parents and school teachers to detect early signs of “waywardness from their children and students”.
He end his post by likening lesbians to “cancers” and using the term “social diseases” in his reply sparked concern, especially from NUS.
Two current NUS students and a former student lodged a complaint soon after seeing the post on the professor’s Facebook page, claiming that he had described “alternative modes of sexual orientation” as “wayward”, and as “cancers” and “social diseases” to be “cleansed”.
A petition for students from NUS was created to express their concerns about Professor Khairudin who “recently authored two Facebook posts (“Liberal Islam, Lesbianism and the likes of it” and “When Liberals Become Oppressive”) that display a trenchant hostility towards sexual minorities” and which “we believe is unbecoming of a university professor.”
The second post was removed and Associate Professor Khairudin subsequently did multiple edits to his other post and removed the alleged offensive terms towards lesbianism such as “cancers”, and “social diseases” amongst others that the students pointed out.
On the 5th of March, NUS provost Tan Eng Chye said Professor Khairudin acknowledges “poor judgement” in his posts on sexuality, and that his comments “on his views of lesbianism ‘contained provocative, inappropriate and offensive language'”.
“I have counselled Associate Professor Khairudin, who has acknowledged that whilst his only intention had been to convey his point of view, his original posts reflected poor judgement in the tone and choice of words. He has since amended or removed these posts,” said Professor Tan.
He added that “both staff and students of NUS were reminded to “show restraint, due care and respect with their words and actions, particularly when communicating online.”
Associate Professor Khairudin took the opportunity to make clear his views on his Facebook page, stating, that “while the media has provided coverage for the LGBT supporters, so far, little coverage has been provided to those that are not for LGBT.”
He continued to say that his post “Liberal Islam, Lesbianism and the likes of it” is still on his page, though it has been altered, and the change was done “in view of the sensitivities on the ground which I am fully aware of.”
His position as a Muslim about LGBT “remains clear and is in line with the view of Muslims scholars such as the one made by PERGAS.” He maintains that there is “no disagreement in Islam on the prohibition of homosexuality”.
Associate Professor Khairudin added that he “fully subscribe to Islam’s guidance and stand firm that homosexuality is a challenge that needs to be addressed through reasoned dialogue and education.”
While NUS has openly criticised Associate Professor Khairudin’s actions, it remains to be seen if the situation will blow over. Blogger Alex Au has remarked that the Professor’s use of words borders on hate speech. It is not clear is any charges will be raised against the Professor,  although he has removed the offending words from his Facebook post.
Meanwhile, the Fellowship of Muslim Students Association has issues a statement in support of Associate Professor Khairudin, commending him for having the courage to speak his mind as an academic.
A Facebook page set up in support of the Professor has garnered more than 5,000 likes, and a counter-petition has also been created, aimed at the students who started the initial petition against the Professor and demanding that they “withdraw their petition and apologize to Professor Syed Khairuddin, as well as undergo counselling to further understand the issues and challenges confronting the student-teacher community.”
The original petition by the current and former NUS students against Associate Professor Khairudin has since ended. To our knowledge, the students have thus far not made any response to the Professor’s edits to his Facebook post or the statement by NUS.
Image from AsiaOne

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原文摘自:工人党前非选区议员余振忠 冠状病毒19病例暴增,使客工议题备受关注。本文的目是要探讨我国是如何造成这样的一个局面:大量的低薪工人生活在与新加坡人完全不同的世界中,尽管他们实实在在地生存在我们群体当中。客工大规模涌入背后的经济考量到底是什么? 官委议员特斯拉副教授最近在新加坡大学政策研究所的论坛上指出,新加坡对此客工的依赖,从1970年代占新加坡总劳动力的约7巴仙增加至今天的约38巴仙。目前,这些客工中有72.4巴仙持有工作准证(WP),而14巴仙持有特别准证(SP)。从数字上看,客工人数从五十多年前的6万人增长到如今惊人的147万。其中大部分约123万人持有WP和SP(资料来源:新加坡人力部和美国移民政策研究所)。 持有 WP 和 SP 的工人是我国劳动力 中工资较低的一群。目前他们的人数如此之多,以至于他们几乎出现在我们社会的每个空间。2008年,已故的李光耀先生表示,他认为他自己政党的 “拥有650万人口计划”不可行。 该计划主要是通过移民来推动经济增长。已故李先生说:“以我们拥有的土地来说,应该有一个最理想的人口数量,以保持生活空间的平衡与舒适感。” 除了分享我们的社会空间,大量低薪客工的存在也压低了新加坡技术水平较低的工人的工资。这进一步造成了受益于我国经济增长的一群人与另一群实际工资停滞或甚至在过去20年相比下减少的人之间很大的分歧。…


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突破传统媒体局限 在野党社交媒体宣传赢民心

新加坡独立以来的第13届大选,最迟必须在明年4月前举行,选区范围检讨委员会已在去年8月1日成立。 阿裕尼集选区议员毕丹星,曾在今年初在国会提问,上述委会在成立时隔近三个月后的工作进展,而贸工部长陈振声代总理作出书面答复,指该委会的检讨工作尚未完成。 选区范围检讨委会的成立,通常都意味着选举蛩音已近,因为委会任务旨在划分选区,也是迈入大选前进行的例行工作。故此不论朝野政党,这时候都已摩拳擦掌,加强力度走基层服务,备战选举基本上已是进行式。 在宣传工作方面,执政党人民行动党始终占据优势,例如旗下人民协会深入社区基层,超过1800个基层组织更易延伸社区服务。 尽管主流媒体仍时有报导在野党新闻,不过对于号称“公平、客观”的《海峡时报》等主流媒体,一些老报人也曾批评业界的会出现“自我审查”的现象,再者舆论上更偏向于对执政政府有利的主旋律论述,对于在野党立场的报导就难免较不侧重。 在这种传统媒体局限下,在野党又该如何突破这种钳制,吸引选民眼球异军突起?要知道我国有近492万人口,都有使用互联网,网络的普及率高达84巴仙,故此狮城都会大小事,皆网罗网民掌中,网络和社交媒体平台,正是在野党在资讯时代的突破口。 近期各政党也积极在各自的社交网页发表政见,例如在国会中有代议士的工人党,就在脸书粉丝专页发布他们在国会致词的视频,透明交代他们在国会如何代表选民发声,也不需要敲锣打鼓摇旗呐喊,而是直截了当告诉选民:你的心声我在国会传达了。 例如工人党秘书长毕丹星在国会表达反对调涨消费税的立场;主席林瑞莲在国会提醒,一些被裁员者可能花花几个月才能找到新工作,呼吁为被裁者提供收入保障;多达150座组屋仍无法翻电梯,后港议员方荣发敦促政府应尽快拿出定案等。 在野领袖办直播秀畅谈政见 再者,在科技和网络平台的帮助下,在野党不再处于被动趋势,在社交平台更加得到主动优势,例如自行办直播秀,政治人物畅谈政见,再者还能即时回应网民的提问,例如工人党青年团在上周四办的直播,就成功吸引约1万4000网民围观。 由行动党前议员陈清木医生领导的新加坡前进党(PSP),刚在去年8月成立后就动作频频,除了大规模动员党员走选区挑起执政党神经,也积极展现社会关怀精神,例如陈清木医生本身在疫情当前呼吁民众冷静;该党也主动拜访前线医护人员,为他们加油打气。 至于民主党则更倾向于透过网络平台与选民互动,例如该党秘书长徐顺全,过去就积极录制福建话、广东话和潮州话等方言视频,与国人畅谈他的政治理念,一些网民称,现在连老一辈选民都倍感亲切,能听得懂他们的政治观点。…

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改装车顶和底层,偷藏502条和1260包漏税香烟企图瞒天过海,不过还是被移民关卡局识破。 移民和关卡局立大功,成功拦截改装车子,搜出企图从马来西亚运入我国的漏税香烟。 当局昨日在脸书页面上公布,关卡人员于上周五(11月22日)在大士关卡拦截了一辆马来西亚注册的汽车,发觉司机的举止可疑,因此进一步调查有关车辆和司机。 关卡人员随后在经过改装的车顶和底层中,发现藏着502条和1260包漏税香烟。 32岁的女司机随后也被交由关税局调查。 当局指出,他们已经开始关注有关的物品藏匿方式,因为有意走私物品到我国的人们可能会采取类似的方法。惟,当局官员们将会继续对旅客、货物和车辆进行检查,严加防范,确保我国安全获得保障。