the following is a media release by Community for Bukit Brown:

The community of concerned groups over the future of Bukit Brown is formally calling for a moratorium on all plans for Bukit Brown. This moratorium should be in place until there is clarity over long-term plans for the area and discussions over alternatives have been exhausted. Given on-going national discussions over housing, transportation and immigration, there is room for policy adjustments. Plans to develop housing and transport infrastructure in the greater Bukit Brown area cannot be made when these discussions are underway and before the public has had an opportunity to fully consider the details surrounding such proposals.
In addition, there has not been sufficient time for a public conversation over plans by the Urban Redevelopment Authority and Land Transport Authority for Bukit Brown, nor a discussion about the alternatives proposed by the Nature Society's position paper issued in December. We are asking for more meaningful engagement than what we have experienced so far. Bukit Brown is important enough that all parties should be able to participate in discussions over its future reasonably as interested citizens, whether individually, as informal communities, or organised formally. 
We enclose here a longer statement issued by the community to the Ministry of National Development after the end of a closed-door meeting today. We affirm that the level of engagement is wanting and insufficient consideration given to possible alternatives. We remain unconvinced that the ministry’s approach is the only viable plan for Bukit Brown.
We continue to seek fuller engagement over plans for Bukit Brown, and will explore other avenues to voice our concerns, including with the Prime Minister and the Minister for National Development.



Statement to the Ministry of National Development issued by the Community for Bukit Brown 

1) This is a statement on behalf of the community which had requested for a meeting to discuss the plans for Bukit Brown in a letter dated January 18, 2012, addressed to Mr Chew Hock Yong, Chief Executive of LTA and copied to relevant agencies.
2) The original meeting was scheduled for February 20 with LTA, NParks and URA and 31 representatives from our groups. On February 14, the government agencies requested for a postponement. On March 14, MND sent out invitations to today’s meeting, but only to a few of the original 31 representatives. This is different from what had been planned for the original February 20 meeting.
3) There is a diversity of individuals and organisations seeking to engage in the protection of Bukit Brown. We were looking forward to a level of genuine engagement that would result in a better understanding of the various studies conducted, including biodiversity and hydrology reports, as well as projections on population changes, housing and transport.  We hoped that such an opportunity would help to open up a broader consideration of Bukit Brown’s future. We had looked forward to offering alternative possibilities at this meeting.
4) However, we were informed that there would be no time at today’s session for presentations apart from those put forward by the various official agencies. We regret that this meeting has largely turned out to be a unilateral dissemination of information by particular agencies.
The fact that this meeting is held after LTA’s announcement of plans for the new highway demonstrates the old practice of presenting decisions as fait accompli to concerned groups instead of genuine engagement and discussion.
5) We also believe that the tone of engagement has been altered by two new developments:
a.     First, the decision to allow only those invited by MND to this meeting instead of the original list of concerned individuals.
b.     Second, the decision to limit the representation of groups and NGOs to one person per group.
We welcome the involvement of other concerned individuals and groups. But in the context of the initial postponed meeting, these two decisions give a strong impression of the lack of good faith on the part of MND.  
6) We thank MND and its agencies for the briefing which reiterated plans for Bukit Brown. However, it is unfortunate that the briefings did not go into the substantive issues of concern about the current plans for Bukit Brown and its future.
Since our expectations did not materialise at this meeting, we would like to register our dismay and disappointment on record for the minutes of this meeting.
We regret the inadequacy of efforts at genuine engagement and discussing alternatives; that our presentation time was denied; and that this meeting has been severely limited to a select few.
7) We formally request for a moratorium on all works at Bukit Brown.  This moratorium should be in place until there is clarity over long-term plans for the area and discussions over alternatives have been exhausted. Given on-going national discussions over housing, transportation and immigration, there is room for policy adjustments. Plans to develop housing and transport infrastructure in the greater Bukit Brown area cannot be made when these discussions are underway and before the public has had an opportunity to fully consider the details surrounding such proposals including the release of detailed findings over studies conducted on biodiversity, hydrology, as well as projections on housing and transport.
8) This statement is signed by the Nature Society (Singapore), the Singapore Heritage Society, Asia Paranormal Investigators, All Things Bukit Brown, SOS Bukit Brown, We Support the Green Corridor, and Green Drinks Singapore.
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罗厘撞毙三路人案:司机承认无照驾驶 判罚款1400元吊牌一年

去年4月23日,在宏茂桥6道往玛丽蒙路(Marymount Road)的路段发生致命意外,肇事罗厘失控冲上路堤后撞死3名路人,再撞上一辆正要从杨厝港巴士转换站转进大路的新捷运巴士。 昨日(14日),27岁罗厘司机在庭上承认无照驾驶,被判罚款1400元。死者家属不排除日后将追究民事责任。 司机在意外发生后,被控三项罪行,其中一项危险驾驶导致他人死亡罪日前获判无事省释。在14日肇事司机亦承认另外两项罪名,包括一项无照驾驶以及一项无汽车保险驾驶的罪名,获判罚款1400元,并且吊销驾驶执照一年。 无事省释不等于无罪,控方一旦掌握充分证据,可重新提控。 据目击者表示,罗厘当时沿着宏茂桥6道往宏茂桥中心行驶,来到三岔路口后突然失控,撞倒栏杆、交通灯,最后冲向3名路人撞倒后才停下。三人遭撞后,当场毙命。 三名死者分别是蔡庆忠(86岁)和蔡爱华(58岁)父女,以及他们的朋友叶顺发(63岁)。 据庭上揭露,被告父亲是建筑公司的安全主管,而被告在前年8月考获3A驾照后,将自己无法开罗厘的事实隐瞒,并在去年1月开始驾驶父亲的罗厘。 该案审讯一年以来,被告几乎以心脏问题必须接受治疗,而转由父亲代替出庭。被告律师表示被告患有严重的心脏疾病,但并未透露太多详情。而昨日则是死者家属首度见到被告,死者家属泪诉,见到被告,想起亲人,至今仍未能放下。 死者家属回忆当天意外,姐姐因为要陪父亲做身体检查而特地请假,而因为父亲走路不太方便,才会找来轮椅,而朋友叶顺发相信也是为了帮忙,才会三人同行,岂料意外发生导致天人永隔。 在致命车祸后半年,蔡庆忠遗孀、蔡爱华母亲林美因(79岁)则因悲痛过度,肾衰竭过世。据二女儿表示,自意外发生后,母亲便郁郁寡欢、寝食不安,一直走不出悲痛,加上曾摔伤盆骨,其肾脏因免疫系统持续下降而开始衰竭,最终离世。女儿亿述,母亲生前最大的心愿就是让肇祸司机受审,受到制裁,可惜却抱憾离开。


在市镇会诉讼案中,代表工人党议员等各造的辩方律师CR 拉惹揭露,早在五年前,时任国家发展部长许文远曾表明,只要依循市镇会法,市镇会可灵活决定,是否公开招标管理代理公司。 当时许文远称,政府虽不插手市镇会委任代理公司,惟需确保每项交易处理得当、维护公众利益。 CR拉惹称,时任阿裕尼-后港市镇会主席的林瑞莲,正是行使此市镇会规章,直接委任FMSS成为该市镇会管理代理,而“国家发展部对林瑞莲的决定没有反对。” 他续辩解,2011年大选后,人民行动党从人民党手上接管波东巴西市镇会时,也透过免除招标委任EM Services为管理代理,避免服务中断影响居民生活。 CR拉惹是在10月10日的法庭审讯环节,盘问诉方证人、毕马威新加坡会计事务所Owen Hawkes,提出上述佐证,试图反驳诉方对管理代理公司未公开招标的质疑。CR拉惹也追问,何以Hawkes在审计报告中未涵括政府对类似课题的立场。 对此,Hawkes则表明,不明白为何政府会认为,直接委任管理代理成为避免服务中断的唯一途径。再者,独立会计师的指责,乃是检视市镇会免除招标的情境、如何执行、以及做法是否符合市镇会财务条例,没有必要考虑政府的立场。 针对诉方指阿裕尼-后港市镇会,委任FMSS为管理代理公司,比起CPG还要多花51万新元,代表FMSS负责人侯文芳夫妻的辩护律师Leslie Netto指出,其中9万乃是为了吸纳原后港员工而支付的薪资。 诉方指51万元额外费用包括42万元的后港市镇运作差价和接管原后港员工所支付费用。但是Netto指出,当时FMSS“不终止这些中心职员的合同”,再者这是一次性付款,不应算在FMSS管理费中。…

【选举】欣赏俄作曲家用音乐传达民意 方月光冀望把群众心声带入国会

民主党在此次选举,派出林文兴、达曼胡理、江伟贤和方月光团队攻打马西岭-油池集选区,硬撼由原国家发展部长黄循财领军的人民行动党团队。 尽管仅派出11名候选人,不过民主党在此次选举也算“下足重本”,竞选团队不乏拥有博士、医学教授等资历的人才。至于该党秘书长徐顺全在武吉巴督不屈不挠的精神,选民看好后者有望此次选举突围而出。 除了早前本社介绍过的林文兴、达曼胡理和江伟贤,马西岭-油池集选区团队中的方月光背景亦不可小觑,据民主党竞选官网介绍,他曾在外交部、内政部和国防部等机构担任要职,也曾担任新加坡驻北京大使馆首席秘书(政治与经济)。 事实上方月光还是奖学金得主,以及英国剑桥大学音乐系毕业生。《联合早报》稍早前专访方月光,从轻松角度谈他过去曾作曲追太太的经历,以及家人如何看待他从政等。 询及他将用什么古典乐来形同现在的新加坡?方月光表示自己最喜欢的音乐家是俄国作曲家肖斯塔科维奇(Dmitri Shostakovich),因为他的音乐非常有深度,也有很多政治内容,每个作曲都是对整个国家政治文化的表态。 “他有他的想法、理念,但也尽量把民生透过音乐带出来,让领导阶层者也能听到民声”。 他也表示这也是自己的理想,期望若有机会入国会,能把群众的心声带到国会。  

研究显示调高公积金缴交率益处多 网民斥恐加剧年长雇员觅职困境

本地主流媒体《联合早报》报导,一项研究指若55岁至64岁员工的公积金缴交率保持和年轻人一样,那10年间就能累积超过14万元,能提高年长者工作意愿,他们的公积金入息甚至足于缴交房贷。 但是网民们对此的反应似乎一面倒,表示难以接受,因为提高公积金缴交率不仅减少了现有的可动用资金,甚至会让年长雇员更难觅得工作,因为雇主的公积金缴交率也提高了。 这项由新加坡政策研究所演技研究员进行的模拟推算发现,若是将55岁至64岁员工的公积金保持和55岁之前一样,他们的退休储蓄可在10年内累积超过14万元,退休后的每月入息也会因此增加超过一倍。 这项由该研究所高级研究员余国安和副研究员黄锐洲展开的研究,假设一名员工在55岁后的公积金缴交率保持和年轻员工一样,那么在从55岁到64岁之间,其普通和特别户头储蓄能够在这10年间累积多少。 终身入息可增加150巴仙 有关的研究以人力部公开的数据,估算了55岁到59岁员工的大概月薪金额后进行推算,发现最低和最高的第10个百分位的员工,能够累积到3万1056元至14万5117元。研究人员推算发现员工在10年内,累积的储蓄能增加三倍,月薪处于第20个百分位的员工,储蓄从2万5610元增加到6万6524元;处于中位数的员工的储蓄从5万1557元增加到13万3923元。 如果将这些额外储蓄纳入公积金终身入息计划(CPF LIFE)中,月薪处于第20个百分位的员工在65岁起,每月能领的入息将从166元增加到414元,增幅约150巴仙;月薪处于中位数的员工每月入息,也将从326元增至777元,增幅为140巴仙。 他们也发现若只是把缴交率提高一个百分比,处于第20个百分位的员工也能够在10年期间多存约5000元,每个月的公积金终身入息能多领33元。 一次性调高或需累进元素 本地年长员工的公积金缴交率曾于1988年、1993年和1999年,在面对金融危机时进行下调,确保他们在经济萧条时段能够保住工作。缴交率虽然在之后有所恢复,但是55岁之后的缴交率仍然不如年轻员工。 目前55岁以下员工的公积金缴交率为月薪的37巴仙,雇主17巴仙及雇员20巴仙;55岁到60属于的缴交率为26巴仙,雇主和雇员各13巴仙;60岁到65岁为16.5巴仙,雇主9巴仙和雇员7.5巴仙;以及65岁及以上的缴交率为12.5巴仙,雇主7.5巴仙而雇员5巴仙。…