Dear readers,

For those who have purchased our TOC Honest Mistake T-shirt, we are happy to announce that it is finally here!

However, considering that the postal office does not work over the weekends and public holidays, we estimate that the T-shirts will not arrive at your doorsteps until Wednesday.

For those who do not want to wait that long, we will be at the open space outside Raffles Place MRT from 2-4pm tomorrow, 1st May. You can come and collect your T-shirts, and we will refund you the postage fee.

As of now, we do not have stock left.  However, we will be able to print upon order and you will receive it within two working days. Most of our tees are sold at $19.00 but because this design is bigger than A4, it may cost slightly more. We will confirm the price tomorrow.

All you need to do is write to us at [email protected] (please avoid sending orders to our main email account; we receive tonnes of mail every day and we cannot guarantee your order won’t be lost among the other messages) with the following:

Subject: TOC GE Tshirt.
I would like to order XX (quantity, one or more?) of the following:
Name of Tshirt (eg Honest Mistake).
Gender, and Size (eg Male, M) – for sizes, see  chart below.
Color: (eg White, Grey, Black) –  please indicate if you prefer other colors, and The Tee Folk will let you know if they have the color in stock.

Don’t forget your name and contact number! Also don’t forget to indicate if you want the Tshirt delivered to you (additional $2 delivery fees) or if you want to pick it up from the printer’s at 65 Ubi Crescent, Hola Centre #06-04.

Don’t forget also to indicate your address if you want the tees delivered to you!

We will forward your orders to The Tee Folk at 8am the following day. A representative from The Tee Folk will call you once the Tshirt is done, within a day or two.


If you want to print sizes bigger than XL please bring your own plain tees to The Tee Folk at 65 Ubi Crescent, Hola Centre #06-04 . The printing will be done for a fee of $16.

Alternatively, you can create and print your own design! Just send your design to this link and The Tee Folk will call you shortly!



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