Hot on the heels of the Government’s Budget to be announced this Friday, The Online Citizen will hold a Budget Forum 2011 on Saturday, 19th February. In the two-and-a-half-hour long forum, three guest speakers will share their views on what the Budget means for Singaporeans and the future of Singapore’s economy. This is the first time a forum that provides in-depth analysis of the Budget is held within 24 hours of the Budget’s annoucement.

The speakers are-

  • Mr Tan Jee Say
  • Mr Tan Kin Lian
  • Mr Leong Sze Hian

Each speaker will speak for 20 minutes, followed by a question and answer session.

Details of the forum

  • Date: 19th Feb 2011, Saturday
  • Time: 2pm – 5pm
  • Venue: Azea Personal Coaching, 24 Raffles Place, Clifford Centre #07-04 Singapore 048621
  • Dresscode: Smart casual, no slippers or shorts please!
  • Refreshments: Please come on a full stomach, we apologize for not being able to provide refreshments.
  • Admission: Free

Due to limited space, we can only take in a maximum of 70 people. Please register here if you want to attend.

About the Speakers

Mr Tan Jee Say was with the Ministry of Trade and Industry from 1979 to 1985 where he headed economic and manpower planning and also served as secretary to the late Dr Albert Winsemius, the economic adviser to the Singapore Government. From 1985-1990, he was the principal private secretary to Mr Goh Chok Tong. In 1990, he went into investment banking and subsequently took up fund management. He is a Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment. He is a graduate of Oxford University where he read philosophy, politics and economics.

Mr Tan has just completed a 45-page paper “Creating Jobs and Enterprise in a new Singapore economy – Ideas for Change”. A summary extract of the soon-to-be-published paper can be read here.

Mr Tan Kin Lian was a Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries in 1975. He joined NTUC Income in 1977 as the chief executive officer. During a period of 30 years, he built up the business, assets and sphere of influence.  From 1992 to 1997, he was Chairman of the International Co-operative and Mutual Insurance Federation (ICMIF). Mr Tan was conferred the Friend of Labor Award in 1978, the Public Service Medal in 1983, the Rochdale Medal Award in 1992, the Financial Personality of the Year Award in 2000, the 2001 International Management Action Award, the Public Service Star in 2004, Leading CEO Award 2005 and the Friend of I.T in 2007. After retiring from NTUC Income, Mr. Tan founded Tan Kin Lian & Associates Pte Ltd. He also lectures as an adjunct professor in Singapore Management University.

Mr Leong Sze Hian is the former President of the Society of Financial Service Professionals. A Wharton Fellow and an alumnus of Harvard University, he has served as Honorary Consul of Jamaica and Chairman of the Institute of Administrative Management. He has authored three books and was quoted over 1000 times in the media, and invited to speak more than 100 times in about 20 countries on 5 continents. He is also a regular contributor for The Online Citizen.

Latest update: Ms Braema Mathi will replace Mr Tan Kin Lian as third Speaker of the forum. Click here for more info.

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