Hi everyone,

TOC would like to make the following announcements regarding changes to the TOC team, including the composition of the editorial team.

The past few months have seen many things happen here, which involved our moving to this new site. At the same time, we’ve also received many letters or emails encouraging and supporting us. We thank everyone who wrote to us.

In this announcement, we welcome some new writers and contributors. We also say goodbye to a few friends.

We bid farewell to two of our editors – Ephraim Loy and Yeo Toon Joo – and writer Chong Kai Xiong. We would like to thank all three of them for being part of our team.

Ephraim is stepping down to concentrate on his grassroots work. We thank him for his contributions to the editorial team and we extend our best wishes to him.

Toon Joo recently became a grandfather and would like to spend more of his time with his family in Seattle. However, he remains a writer for us and will contribute whenever time permits. We thank Toon Joo for his contribution as an editor of TOC this past year or so and we wish him all the best.

As we earlier announced, Gerald Giam is now a deputy editor, with Selene Cheng as our sub-editor. Both of them have worked very hard and have put in many hours helping to keep TOC running. Gerald has been the key driver behind our move to this new site, and Selene has been an immense help in editing most of the articles you see on TOC, despite her regular work schedule.

TOC is happy to welcome into the team the following new members:

Andrew Ong

Tan Kin Lian

Rachel Zeng

Edmund Lam

Low Jing Yan

Lim Chih Yang

Tan Jian Wei

Wilfred Ling

We would also like to give special mention to Mervin Lee, who contributes some of the videos you see on TOC.

You can read the profiles of our new writers here.

Also, as earlier announced, Andrew Loh has resigned from the Workers’ Party and is thus no longer involved in any party political activities. Choo Zheng Xi, our Editor-in-Chief, is no longer assisting MP Mdm Ho Geok Choo in her Parliamentary and constituency work and is not receiving any stipend or remuneration.

Thanks again to everyone who have supported us and continues to support us.

To all our new members: Welcome on board, everyone!


Andrew Loh

Deputy Editor

The Online Citizen


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