A SIA Airbus A330-343 similar to the aircraft involved in the incident.
Photo: The Aviation Herald
Photo: The Aviation Herald

A Singapore Airlines (SIA) Airbus A330-300 plane lost power temporarily on both its engines while in mid-flight on Saturday.

According to aviation sites, AeroInside and The Aviation Herald, the incident took place while the plane was flying at 39,000ft about three and a half hours after departure from Singapore and bound for Shanghai, China.

“Both engines experienced a temporary loss of power and the pilots followed operational procedures to restore normal operation of the engines,” AeroInside reported.

The plane which experienced the problem is reported to be fitted with two Rolls-Royce Trent 772B turbofan engines.

The plane, with 182 passengers and 12 crew members, made it safely to Shanghai 100 minutes later, at 10.56pm local time.

No injuries were reported.

The aircraft remained on the ground in Shanghai for about 4 hours, then departed for the return flight SQ-825 and reached Singapore with a delay of 2 hours, said the The Aviation Herald.

A SIA Airbus A330-343 similar to the aircraft involved in the incident.
A SIA Airbus A330-343 similar to the aircraft involved in the incident.

SIA later said the aircraft had undergone a “thorough examination and tests with no anomalies detected.”

The occurrence has been reported to the Authorities of Singapore and is being discussed with Rolls Royce and Airbus, SIA reportedly said, referring to the makers of the plane and the engines.

Singapore’s Air Accident Investigation Bureau (SAAIB) confirmed that an incident over international waters involving a SIA flight had occurred.

The SAAIB stated: “The AAIB will be the authority for investigating this incident. The AAIB is in the midst of gathering information and flight data from the operator.”

According to the Business Insider, the incident took place just south of Hong Kong, and “caused the airliner to drop 13,000 feet before the crew was able to restart the engines.”

Singapore has 31 Airbus A330-300s in its fleet.

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