Chairman of AHPETC, Ms Sylvia Lim and lawyer, Mr Peter Low
Chairman of Aljunied-Hougang-Punggol East Town Council (AHPETC), Sylvia Lim, was in the witness stand as the hearing on summons issued by the National Environment Agency (NEA) to the AHPETC moves into the second day.
Ms Lim testified in court on why the town council felt that the application forms which it was required to submit to hold a community event were not applicable for the lunar new year event it held in January.
District Judge Victor Yeo  ruled after a day of deliberation that the question on why and when the NEA removed the term “town council” from the 2008 revised application form for trade fairs to be irrelevant to the ruling of the case and disallow Peter Low, lawyer for the WP town council, from asking the question.
The judge ruled that it is not his power to preside over the rationale of the law and said that such questions will be disallowed after Mr Low failed to convince the judge with past judgements that it is any matter of the court to determine whether one has exercised due diligence in violation of public welfare offences such as Section 35 of the Environmental Public Health Act (EPHA).
In court on Wednesday, Ms Lim referred to the communication between AHPETC and NEA starting with the email sent by AHPETC’s Public Relation Officer, Ms Chelsea Lu to Mr Tai Ji Choong, the NEA’s director of environmental health.
letter on 20th dec
Letter from AHPETC to NEA on 20th December 2013
Referring to the email sent on 20th December last year, Ms Lim explained that the town council sent the email to NEA because of concerns on whether the event to be held by the town council required any permit from the authorities and to ask for the forms which the town council had to submit, if any.
In the cover letter accompanying AHPETC’s application submission to the NEA, the town council highlighted that the form was used at the request of the NEA and that AHPETC felt that the form does not represent the town council’s agreement.
do not represent our agreement
Paragraph in the cover letter to NEA
In reply to Mr Low’s question of why the town council feel that the form was not suitable for the event, Ms Lim replied that there are three main reasons.
It was to Ms Lim’s understanding that trade fairs are normally referred to as “pasar malam” (night market) which are organised by Citizen Consultative Committees (CCCs).
The WP town council event, however, was intended to be held by the town council and was a community event, carried out on common area managed by the town council.
Ms Lim said that under the law, the powers and duties of the town council include the management of the common area.
Ms Lim also referred to the term “town councils” missing from the application forms supplied by the NEA.
In its previous version, the term was included as part of a list of entities which were allowed to conduct fairs.
Instead, one of the conditions specified by the application form, among the documents supposed to be obtained is a “letter of support” from the chairman of the Citizen Consultative Committee (CCC).
Ms Lim pointed out that in the case of the Hougang CCC, the branch leader is from the People’s Action Party.
“Since my colleagues and I were elected to manage the town council under the Town Councils Act, we do not see how the town council should be required to get a supporting letter from the CCC for something held in the common area under our charge,” Ms Lim told the court.
"Trade Fair" replaced with "Event"
“Trade Fair” replaced with “Event”
In the application form submitted to NEA, the wordings of “Trade Fair” is struck off and replaced with the word, “Event”. Ms Lim said that she approved the replacement of the words because it was constant with what they wrote in the cover letter that they do not believe they were organising a trade fair.
She also did not agree that the town council was holding a commercial activity as stated in the letter by the Ministry of National Development sent on 14th January 2014.
Frustration by defense lawyers
Mr Low showed signs of frustration after being blocked for “no less than 10 questions” in the past two days by Isaac Tan, the NEA prosecutor, saying that it is a waste of time.
Mr Low had not been able to ask any question from Mr Tai due to Mr Tan’s objections.
This came after Mr Tan’s prompt objection to Ms Lim’s statement of why the initial letter to NEA was sent.
Ms Lim was bringing up the point that she had been told by industry players in organising events that NEA “is not interested in events, unless open food stalls are involved or small events with less than 15 stalls.”
Before she could continue, the prosecution asked if the sources cited by Ms Lim would be questioned as witnesses. If the sources will not be questioned, then what Ms Lim said would be hearsay evidence.
Ms Lim said that she has not obtained permission from the people whom she spoke to, as their businesses could be affected.
Mr Low said that if Mr Tan has any objections on the hearsay evidence, he could address that in his cross-examination of the witness and  asked for the judge to allow Ms Low to allowed to continue her statement as it would provide the background of why the initial contact was made with NEA.
The judge noted the prosector’s objection but allowed Ms Lim to continue.
Other than Ms Lim, three more witnesses from the defense will be called up, Ms Chelsea Lu , Deputy General Manager of AHPETC, Mr Yeo Soon Fei and MP for Hougang SMC, Png Eng Huat.
The prosecution will be cross examining Ms Lim today (Thursday)

Application form submitted by AHPETC to NEA
NEA v AHPETC application form

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据了解,全国职工总会秘书长黄志明坦言,针对外籍人士在本地就业,国人的焦虑确有提升,也建议政府或应缩紧就业准证(Employment Pass)政策。 他在前日接受《海峡时报》采访,声称职总就业保障联盟(Job Security Council)迄今协助超过2万工友,在疫情下匹配到新工作。 与此同时,他仍强调建设和扩张新加坡经济牵涉国人利益,仍需要外籍人士的技术和才能,来增强本地劳动力。 他也指若就业竞争某种程度上变得激烈,政府理应出台政策来保障国人能公平地取得好工作。 黄志明原是总理公署部长,在2020选举,偕同原交通部兼卫生部高级政务部长蓝彬明医生、内政部兼卫生部高级政务次长安宁·阿敏等人,上阵盛港集选区,惟不敌工人党何廷儒团队败选。 据了解,在选举之前,黄志明鲜少有提及,有关调整或缩紧外籍人士就业政策的建议。 全国工资理事会将召开第二次会议,黄志明则希望该理事会能尽量保住就业,保障特别是低薪工友群体的福利。 有鉴于冠病疫情对经济的影响,他预计未来半年至一年,失业仍会持续攀升。 职总在上月推出公平裁员框架,并声称保障职场的新加坡核心,惟拥有关键技术的外籍人士也能留下。…