On Friday, Workers’ Party (WP) released its statement on public transport fare review exercise that was just announced on Thursday.
WP  welcomed the new and enhanced concession schemes for people with disabilities, senior citizens, low-wage workers, students and full-time national servicemen but note that the concessions should not be used to make the latest fare increases acceptable to the general public.
The party is concerned that the majority of the commuters may still experience a very large overall fare increase of 6.6% in the next two years.
The party reminds the public that the fare hikes came on top of the substantial $1.1 billion government subsidy for the public transportation system brought the Bus Services Enhancement Fund (BSEF) last year and the regular train breakdowns by the train operators.
Workers’ Party expressed their disappointment over the point that the fare hike will take place three months before the concession schemes for low-wage workers and people with disabilities are to be implemented and call for the hikes to be delayed until the new concession schemes are implemented.
They added that service quality, reliability and fare affordability should come before the need to ensure the profitability of PTOs.
[spacer style=”1″ icon=”none”] WP Statement on Public Transport Fare Review Exercise

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