Masagos Zulkifli

Masagos showcases Govt’s inflexible policy approach depending on societal norms when asked for more support for single unwed parents

During the Committee of Supply of the Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF) in the Budget 2023 on 6…

Netizens highlight opposition politicians’ tenacity in raising tudung issue previously after Masagos credits Govt’s “many years of engagement” with stakeholders

The Government’s decision to allow Muslim nurses in public healthcare to don the tudung — a religious headgear — followed…

Netizens ask Minister Masagos Zulkifli not to claim credit for new tudung policy, highlight his earlier stance against it

The Malay-Muslim community’s “hearts are full today” following the announcement that public sector nurses will be allowed to wear tudung…

Masagos’ reaction to tudung issue seems to be much ado about nothing in light of K Shanmugam’s assurances

Not too long ago, the controversy on the right of Muslim women to don the tudung in uniformed professions was…

Majority of netizens support open discussion on allowing Muslim female uniformed staff to don hijab after Minister Masagos Zulkifli reiterates Govt’s secular stance following ‘closed-door discussions’

In yet another face-off with Workers’ Party Member of Parliament Faisal Manap on the issue, Minister-in-charge for Muslim Affairs Masagos…

Masagos says beaches are overcrowded while STB is forking out $45 million to encourage local tourism – contradiction?

On Wednesday (22 July), Channel NewsAsia (CNA) reported comments made by Minister Masagos Zulkifli in which he expressed concern that…

Heng Swee Keat encourages families to go on local staycations; Masagos says beaches are overcrowded

Minister Heng Swee Keat took to his Facebook on Thursday (23 July) to encourage families and children to explore local…

PAP’s Masagos Zulkifli wrongly refers to Lee Hsien Yang as Singapore’s PM during Tampines GRC e-rally

People’s Action Party (PAP) Masagos Zulkifli made a verbal gaffe on Friday (3 July) night during a GE2020 e-rally when…

Masagos: $5 per tonne of greenhouse gas emissions imposed on large emitters fair and considered

Environment and Water Resources Minister Masagos Zulkifli has stated on Thursday (22 February) that the initial carbon tax of S$5…