Liew Mun Leong

Supposed Govt company hides behind Pte Ltd entity to conduct survey on ex-CAG chairman Liew Mun Leong incident

A survey seeking to gather people’s views on the case of Parti Liyani was sent out by via an…

HOME’s volunteer Stephanie Chok shares the “disturbing revelations” from the case of Parti Liyani

Dr Stephanie Chok, a local academic and volunteer at the Humanitarian Organisation for Migration Economics (HOME), spoke on some of…

AGC seeks to be heard at Parti Liyani’s application hearing

Attorney-General’s Chambers (AGC) seeks to be heard at Parti Liyani’s application hearing after the former domestic worker initiated court disciplinary…

K Shanmugam says justice has been served in Parti Liyani’s case; Netizens urge to investigate the “obviously wrong doer”

The authorities take the judge’s comments very seriously, and will deal with what went wrong in the process of investigations,…

AGC knew about Liew family’s illegal deployment of their domestic helper, yet blocked Defence from mentioning Ms Parti’s complaint to MOM

On Tuesday (8 September), the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) told the media in response to queries that it had issued…

MOM says it takes “stern view” on illegal deployment of foreign domestic workers; Netizens ask why it only issued advisory to CAG chairman Liew Mun Leong

The Ministry of Manpower (MOM) on Tuesday (8 Sept) said it takes a “stern view” of cases where foreign domestic…

The Six Degrees of Separation in the Liew Mun Leong and Parti Liyani case

As the saying goes – “Six Degrees of Separation”. Does this ring true for the Liew Mun Leong and Parti…

Attorney General Wong used to work closely with CEO Liew on CapitaLand’s board for more than 5 yrs

In a press release issued on Sunday (6 Sep), the Attorney-General’s Chambers (AGC) said that it will study the judgment…

PV chief Lim Tean: Parti Liyani’s case must fall to someone from AGC who has “absolutely no links” to Liew Mun Leong

The case of Parti Liyani must fall to someone from the Attorney-General’s Chambers (AGC) who has “absolutely no links” to…

Former ST correspondent asks: Why mainstream media reporters couldn’t ask “more probing questions” to prominent individuals like CapitaLand’s former CEO Liew Mun Leong?

Instead of asking “more probing questions”, reporters in the mainstream media seem to offer “flattering coverage and take whatever these…