Following the meeting between Japan’s Foreign Affairs Minister Toshimitsu Motegi and his Singaporean counterpart Vivian Balakrishnan back in August, it was reported that both nations will allow essential cross-border travels as early as September.

Earlier today (11 September), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs had released a press statement announcing the resumption of essential business travel between Japan and Singapore.

According to the statement, the Business Track, also known as the Reciprocal Green Lane, will be launched on 18 September, and it will “facilitate essential business and official travel” for residents from both countries.

Both Ministries expressed that the Business Track will be allowing “safe resumption” of cross-border travel and business exchanges with “necessary public health safeguards”.

Pre-departure and post-arrival testing for COVID-19 will be included in the safeguards. Apart from that, travellers will need to adhere to a “controlled itinerary” for the first 14 days upon arriving in the destination country.

“The Business Track will allow the safe resumption of cross-border travel and business exchanges with the necessary public health safeguards in place. These safeguards include pre-departure and post-arrival testing as well as the need to adhere to a controlled itinerary for the first 14 days in the receiving country.”

Travellers will also be required to stay at home or a place designated by the Chief of the Quarantine Station in Japan, as well as refrain from using public transport for the first 14 days, according to the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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教育部今日(27日)发文告,指出有鉴于应对新一波疫情,学校将安排下月起,安排每星期一天的在家学习(HBL)。不过上述安排不会影响教育部旗下幼儿园。 中小学安排的每周一天在家学习如下: 小学:星期三 中学:星期四 初级学院和高中:星期五。 教育部表示为配合现有的安全距离措施,将逐步转为上述混合学习的模式。校方将提供学生家长有关在家学习的指导。至于没有数码器材的学生也会得到辅助。 而平日到校上课,学校也将错开放学时间,以减少学生聚集和交通拥堵。 对于那些无法找到其他看护安排、在基本服务特别是医疗领域工作的家长,学校将继续开放,并由教师在校监督学生。 另一方面,学校第二学期的课外活动将继续展延,户外活动如学习之旅、运动会等都已暂停。