Footage showing officer kicking the PMD which resulted in the rider falling down

Commenting on the incident where a Certis Cisco Auxillary Police Officer kicked a PMD rider off the road, the Land Transport Authority said in a Facebook post that it does not condone any behaviour that deviates from the established rules of engagement.
According to LTA, a team of LTA Active Mobility Enforcement Officers (AMEOs) and APOs was conducting enforcement duties along Bedok Reservoir Road at about 6.40pm on Tuesday.
When signalled by the APOs to stop, a PMD rider took evasive action. He was subsequently stopped by another APO stationed at the next junction.
As shown in the shocking footage was shared by community-run traffic website, on Tuesday (10 Dec), the video captured by a vehicle’s dashcam showed an enforcement officer kicking the rider off his device along Bedok Reservoir Road. Due to the impact of the kick, the rider was seen flying onto the asphalt road.

LTA, SPF and Certis are said to be looking into the incident.
LTA noted that it had contracted Certis Cisco to carry out enforcement and it does not condone any behaviour that deviates from the established rules of engagement.
LTA is also investigating offences committed by the PMD rider, which include riding an unregistered and non-compliant (30.54kg) PMD on public roads, and failing to stop his device when required by an officer. The PMD involved has been impounded.

Based on an update on’s Facebook page, the man was hurt and was sent by the police to the hospital.
Since 5 November this year, e-scooters were banned on footpaths in Singapore, after Senior Minister of State for Transport Lam Pin Min announced it a day earlier in Parliament.
Although e-scooters are banned from being used on roads and footpaths in the Republic, but it will still be allowed on cycling paths and Park Connector Networks (PCNs).
Those found guilty of the crime can be fined up to S$2,000 and jail time of up to three months once the ban is strictly enforced from 2020.

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自7月20日开始,国人可以领取今年的国庆庆典派发的“群力礼包”,然而今年较为特别的是,国人可选择领取礼包或归还部分物品。 日前,本社报道,今年由于疫情原因,不开放让民众到现场参与庆典,但将会派发每户家庭一个礼包。然而,也有民主表示,宁可不要礼包,更希望将这些资源善用在其他资源上。 国防部黄永宏表示,往年都会准备足够90至95巴仙本地家庭的礼包,不过这次考虑到一些公众已经表态不需要礼包,80巴仙应该足够,让民众自行领取。 今年的礼包含可折叠并重复使用的环保袋,环保袋内包含大小两款国旗、脸部贴纸、可套在手机照明灯上的红色滤纸、可熨烫在可重复使用的口罩或其他个人物品上的国旗印章、纪念磁铁,以及消毒搓手液、口罩和温度计等防疫用品。往常的折扣券本子将改成电子版。 国庆庆典筹委会透露,7月20日起,民众可前往民众俱乐部或居民委员会中心领取“群力礼包”(Singapore Together Pack),每个本地公民或永久居民家庭可以领取一个礼包。 而当局也会设立收集点,让公众归还部分物品供重新派发或使用。 义工也会协助派发“群力礼包”给弱势群体,协助他们体验一同庆祝国庆。