In response to media queries, the Elections Department (ELD) has said that the message that has been circulating on WhatsApp which offers temporary work in a...
On Thursday (11 April), Kristen Han, the Editor of New Naratif, a regional-focused news site, took to her Facebook account to highlight a rather concerning issue...
Intent matters, says Law and Home Affairs Minister K Shanmugam when it comes to spreading false news. Speaking to The Straits Times, Mr Shanmugam said that...
Last month, Chili’s Singapore announced the closure of its restaurant chain. Chili’s Singapore was run by Belgarath Investments through GDA Restaurants, which was Chili’s franchisee. It...
The team of lawyers representing Lee Suet Fern, the daughter-in-law of Singapore’s founding prime minister Lee Kuan Yew, has filed a 21-page defence against the Attorney-General’s...
In early hours of the morning (12 April), residents around Pengerang, Johor were awakened by an explosion and fire at the PETRONAS Refinery and Petrochemical Integrated...
在印度尼西亚总统佐科和其竞争对手普拉博沃进行电视直播辩论之前,超过30名记者和查证员,打起精神紧盯着电脑。 他们也分成六组人,每组负责查证两位候选人在不同时段的发言。将近三小时的辩论,这批记者和查证员都不敢有丝毫松懈,因为他们努力实时核实候选人的评论、例如腐败的指控、国家穆斯林人口的统计数据、夸耀之词,或是个人轶事、谣言等。 他们和其他的查证员也将在来临的4月17日,在世界第三大民主国家选举前,进行打击假新闻和政治宣传。 由Mafindo和24新闻机构组成 路透社报导这支打击假新闻的民间队伍。这群选举监督员,担心假新闻所挑起种族和宗教矛盾,或影响选举结果,并导致社会陷入紧张局势。 Cekfakta(印尼语,意为 “核查事实” )的倡议,是由当地非政府的事实查证组织Mafindo,和24个新闻媒体机构组成。 Cekfakta联合创始人兼Tempo.co新闻网站总编辑瓦育(Wahyu Dhyatmika),在回应路透社询问时指出, “现在有一个监督机构正在进行运作。作为一名候选人,不可以随便乱说话……我们会查核他们所说的是否符合事实” 。 和Mafindo一样获得谷歌新闻室资助的Cekfakta志愿者,在3月30日自美国科技巨头Swanky雅加达办事处接管有关的候选人辩论会。 瓦育希望,2014年选举时大量假新闻在社交媒体传出,令记者们无力招架的场面能够不再重演。当然也不希望有来自两位候选人的假消息。 为信息内容真实性而战 事实核查者的对手–假消息贩子,也坐在屏幕前,抽出虚假信息,将其篡改成事实,企图挑起种族和宗教的误解。 一名承认写过有关印尼官员被北京人事收买的假新闻制造者表示,“我们是在为信息内容而战……人们可以为所欲为”。他拒绝透露姓名,因为他的工作是非法的。 根据“世界人口评论”报导指出,印尼人口中,有2.69亿人口的年龄稍微超过30岁。该国也是脸书第三大市场,更是WhatsApp 、Instagram和推特的世界第五大市场之一。 尽管受到法律管制和禁止传播,在印尼社交媒体上传的假新闻,在数小时内可取得数千人的点击率。 Mafindo事实查证负责人阿里波伍(Aribowo Sasmito)将假消息的散播比作毒品交易。 “这其中涉及了工厂、经销商和受害者。大部分被逮捕者都是受害者……他们读到那些“忽悠”消息,却信以为真。” 核实事实被对付 自去年12月开始,Mafindo发现利用宗族和宗教来攻击两名候选人的假新闻激增。令他们担忧的是,该组织发现有数十个新闻指责选举机构是腐败的。 他表示,如果核实事实的贴文,能够让小部分的民众接触到真相,那已经是一个很好的结果了。核实事实也为Malindo树敌不少,该组织已收到不少威胁,导致他们的办公室地址被迫保密,而Cekfakta的网页在前一次辩论之后,曾被骇客入侵。...
As the debate around the proposed fake news bill continuous, many experts have weighed in on the matter – from lawyers to ministers activists, journalists, and...
Historian Dr Thum Ping Tjin told Yahoo News Singapore in an email interview on Tuesday (9 April) that the impending fake news law is part of...
By 2020, the Early Childhood Development Agency (ECDA) will oversee both Early Intervention (EI) services and preschool services, with the transfer of EI from the Disability...