Photo: Suthen Shemu’el

Two canopies at the Tuas Checkpoint fell down at 5.35 AM this morning, injuring a Malaysian motorcycle driver and his pillion driver. The collapse was caused by strong wind and heavy rain.

The two injured individuals were immediately sent to the Ng Teng Fong Hospital. There were no other injuries reported in both the motorcycle and car zones.

The Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) said that the fallen structures were finally cleared at 1.45 PM, and activities resumed to normal. For safety reasons, the ICA diverted arriving cars and motorcycles to other zones during the duration of clearance.

ICA had also advised motorists who were using the Second Link to keep themselves updated on the latest traffic updates on the One Motoring website or MyTransport. SG portal.

According to several postings on the social media, the incident had caused a massive traffic jam at the checkpoint. Some Facebook users also shared photos on the incident taken by their cellphones.

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