Photo from Lawrence Chong’s Facebook account

A lorry with a crane attached has crashed into a shelter linkway located between Block 504 and 506 of Bukit Batok East Street 52, causing significant damage to the structure but with no injuries to any individual nor damage to private property.

The incident is said to have occurred on Wednesday afternoon (July 20) at 2.45pm. The lorry had its crane extended beyond the minimum height of 4.5 metres stated on the linkway.

bukit batok shleter
Photo from Lawrence Chong’s Facebook account

damage to shelter

Singapore Civil Defence Force was deployed to the site but left soon after it ascertained that there was no casualty from the incident.

bukit batok scdf

Police is currently on site, gathering evidence and taking photos of the scene.

Member of Parliament for the ward is Ms Low Yen Ling from the People’s Action Party, according to residents, she has yet turned up at the site. (4pm)

In a similar incident at Bukit Batok, a lorry, with an attached crane arm, crashed into the walkway located between Block 116 and 118 Bukit Batok West Avenue 6 on June 17.

The lorry driver was subsequently arrested under the Road Traffic Act, for the damage caused by his heavy vehicle on government property and not adhering to the height limit. Nobody was injured in the accident.

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