Secretary General Hazel Poa and President Sebastian Teo at NSP’s walkabout (Photo – Zheng Hao)
Secretary General Hazel Poa and President Sebastian Teo at NSP's walkabout (Photo - Zheng Hao)
Secretary General Hazel Poa and President Sebastian Teo at NSP’s walkabout (Photo – TOC, Zheng Hao)

National Solidarity Party’s Acting secretary-general Hazel Poa said that the work of a Member of Parliament goes beyond managing an estate and should centre around lawmaking.

Ms Poa made the remark during the party’s walkabout on Sunday (Aug 16) at Yishun Ave 11. The party has indicated that it would be contesting in 5-men Sembawang GRC.

“We should be focusing on issues and things that really affect Singaporeans’ lives,” Ms Poa said to the media, after a walkabout at Sembawang Group Representation Constituency (GRC) today. “We would also like to emphasise the point that electing Members of Parliament should be (about) more than just estate management. Their primary role should be their contributions in Parliament to enact laws that affect the lives of every Singaporean.”

During an earlier interview with Ms Poa at a walkabout in Tampines GRC, she said, “we feel that residents who actually stay here has a greater vested interest in making sure that everything within this estate and everything operates smoothly . So obviously it is advantagous to get locals in the working of the town councils. Ya, so that is something that we will be actually be pursuing “. This is in response to a query about NSP’s town council plan to run its own town council and to employ or to give priority hiring local residents as staff.

NSP's walkabout on 16 Aug at Yishun (Photo - Zheng Hao)
NSP’s walkabout on 16 Aug at Yishun (Photo – TOC, Zheng Hao)

When asked about the People’s Action Party team for Sembawang, Ms Poa said she was glad that Mr Ong Ye Kung would be making a comeback “despite the setback that he received in the last election”.

But she added: “It would have been better if he had gone back to Aljunied… He contested there in the previous round, quite a close contest. They do still enjoy, I think, the support of 45 per cent of the voters there. So if you go back to Aljunied, it would have better shown his commitment to serve the residents. ”

Although Ms Poa declined to say who would be in the team, however the party was introducing two members of NSP,  businessman Spencer Ng, 36, and real estate agent Eugene Yeo, 40, as potential candidates to residents during their walkabout.

Ms Poa said her party would only be revealing its candidates in the last week of August but noted that the potential candidates are already walking the grounds together with the party.

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