The Reform Party of Singapore would like to congratulate Mr Png Eng Huat of the Workers' Party on winning the by-election campaign in Hougang and with such a clear majority. The people of Hougang have spoken and MP-elect Mr Png is their chosen representative. The people of Hougang have refused once again to be intimidated by the PAP's threats to withhold state resources.

They have also sent a clear message to the PAP expressing a firm disavowal of their personality and smear campaign election tactics which they propagate through their stranglehold on the mainstream media. The PM has been reminded today that the Republic of Singapore is not his personal fiefdom. Let continue to work in solidarity to put this reminder to the PM even more strongly in GE 2016. 

Meanwhile let us not forget the erosion of our constitution and our freedom that has resulted due to a two thirds majority held by the PAP since 1960 which has allowed them to alter our constitution at will. We must continue to work towards the removal of all the restrictions on Opposition parties and perversions of the democratic process that make our elections a sham. 

These include the removal of the Elections Department from the Prime Minister's Office, the media from state control, the reform of our electoral system and the abolition of GRCs, ending restrictions on legitimate political activity and stopping the disgraceful use of state resources to punish or reward voters. We also must work towards a time limit on how long seats can be kept vacant before a by-election is called and the removal of the PM's prerogative in this regard.

Kenneth Jeyaretnam
Secretary General
The Reform Party
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