Much has already been said – about Chen and by Chen himself – about why he has decided to return for good. It is a wonder then why the PAP is still raising the question. A little strange, methinks.

If the concern is one of “motivation”, I would suggest that Chen’s are none other than to help build a First World Parliament, as outlined in the WP’s manifesto. And indeed, Chen has said this several times in press interviews and reports.

What the PAP should do, if I may humbly suggest, is to look at its own house. It is a fact that many are not impressed at all with its latest batch of candidates. Questions about them have been raised, including their commitment and abilities.

Yet, the irony is that the question of motivation is more suitably directed at the PAP candidates than anyone else.

Read more on TOC’s General Election website.

You can post your comments on the GE website too.

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