Singapore Police Force (SPF) has announced the closure of several parts of the road in light of the Chinatown Chinese New Year Celebration 2017.
It said that Kreta Ayer Community Club will be organising the celebration, noting that the opening Ceremony will be held on Saturday (7 January).
As part of the celebrations, a bazaar will operate along Temple Street for three weeks, starting from Friday (6 January) to Friday (27 January).
SPF also said that there will also be rehearsals for the event which will be held on Thursday (5 January) and Friday (6 January).
To facilitate the event, SPF has announced that the following roads and lanes will be closed to vehicular traffic on the dates and times stipulated in the table below:
It also noted that the Mosque Street will be converted to a 2-way road from 2.00 pm to 11.59 pm on Saturday, (7 January).
SPF alerted members of the public that during the road and lane closures, access will only be granted to police and emergency vehicles. Parking restrictions along the peripheral roads will be strictly enforced.  Vehicles found parking and causing obstruction will be towed.

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