Ministry of Home Affairs

Singapore’s MHA calls for TikTok training tender on GeBIZ

SINGAPORE – In a move to better connect with younger audiences, the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) is requesting proposals…

Minister of Home Affairs issues POFMA correction orders to The Online Citizen Asia and Terry Xu

On Sunday night, the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) announced that Home Affairs Minister K Shanmugam has instructed the Protection…

Ministry of Home Affairs conducting survey on Singapore residents’ attitude towards death penalty

Singapore’s Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has initiated a survey to gauge the attitudes of Singapore residents towards the death…

Could MHA have underestimated the influx of ultra-wealthy families into Singapore?

Earlier, Singapore’s Chinese-language daily Lianhe Zaobao reported that the city state is set to attract nearly 3,500 wealthy individuals with a net…

Singapore’s Ministry of Home Affairs refutes reports on 3,500 high-net-worth individuals citizenship applicants as misleading

The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has dismissed claims in multiple articles that 3,500 high-net-worth individuals are anticipated to obtain…

MHA accuses British billionaire of publicly peddling falsehoods about Singapore, after invitation for live debate with minister was rejected

Full response from Singapore’s Ministry of Home Affairs on 5 November 2022 to Sir Richard Branson’s rejection of its invitation to a…

3% to 10% increase in pay for 22,000 MHA officers from Jan 2023

SINGAPORE — About 22,000 serving officers for the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) will receive a 3% to 10% increase…

Masagos’ reaction to tudung issue seems to be much ado about nothing in light of K Shanmugam’s assurances

Not too long ago, the controversy on the right of Muslim women to don the tudung in uniformed professions was…

MHA owes the public an explanation as to why it chose to flout the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child

by Teo Soh Lung Singapore is a signatory to the Convention on Rights of the Child since 1995. In 2019…

TraceTogether data privacy: Can we trust promises and assurances made by Singapore politicians?

Just yesterday, we heard from the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) that data from the COVID-19 contact tracing system TraceTogether…