
Undying Phoenix: TOC navigates regulatory restrictions with a revamped approach

On 21 July 2023, the Ministry of Communications and Information, under the leadership of Minister Josephine Teo, declared The Online…

Shanmugam, Balakrishnan, and the Code of Conduct: A Demand for Straight Answers

In a country renowned for its high standards of governance, the recent controversy surrounding the tenancy of two state properties…

Vigilance needed: Planted questions and prepared answers in Singapore Parliament

Life is full of surprises, but many things that may seem spontaneous are actually carefully planned. Seemingly innocuous questions posed…

Singapore Budget 2023: Hoarding Funds or Prioritizing Singaporeans?

SINGAPORE — The Singapore Budget 2023 was announced by Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Lawrence Wong on 14 February,…

Increasing grants for purchase of resale flats is just kicking the can down the road for Singaporeans and their children

On 14 February, during the delivery of the Singapore Budget 2023, Mr Lawrence Wong announced that the government will increase…

Excessively charging for an essential need, and calling it affordable because people still can pay for it?

Say one day, the Government goes crazy for money and starts charging each individual an air-consumption tax based on their…

Are HDB flat owners paying more for their flats than its actual value of land and cost of construction?

Former Temasek Holdings CEO, Ho Ching, in her latest rant on Friday, wrote about how flats developed by the Housing…

15-yr-old writes that Singapore has to rebuild its reserves to “what past generations left us” when reserves have vastly grown over the years

A 15-year-old student wrote to the Straits Times forum earlier this week, stating that he agrees with the criticism by Senior Minister…

Singapore Govt’s continued refusal to disclose remuneration of top executives at Statutory Boards and SWFs

The Singapore Government continues to resist calls to disclose the remuneration of Chief Executive Officers and directors of Statutory Boards…

Singapore state land while finite can be resold again for revenue after lease expires

Yesterday (22 Nov 2022), TOC wrote that Singapore achieves an average surplus of S$28.5b annually from 2010 to 2019 if one were…