To dish out the same old script and same old tricks is to take Singaporeans for granted and for fools

The one thing, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and his government can…

Uniquely Singapore: Home to First World Crazy Rich Asians and Millionaire Ministers, and Third World cardboard collectors and medical bill defaulters

The upcoming movie Crazy Rich Asians is set to thrust Singapore into…

Are our political leaders seduced by their own hype, becoming numb to criticism and to the ails and concerns of the people?

It certainly looks that way. They turn a deaf ear and stand…

Malaysian politicians send conflicting signals to Singapore, but our own politicians confound and dumbfound their own citizens

One minute, the Kuala Lumpur-Singapore high-speed rail is called off, the next…

If the old ladies and old men do not clean the tables, who are going to clean the tables?

The question was posed by Emeritus Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong at…

Has living in an ivory tower caught up with the political leadership and will they continue to make it their way or the highway?

Emeritus Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong seemed taken aback that his remarks…

Surprise! Surprise! National Day highest honour for former President Tony Tan

In actual fact, bestowing the nation’s highest honour, the Order of Temasek…

We have come so far as a nation but as a people, we are still expected to behave like sheep

Each time we celebrate National Day on August 9, we are reminded…

Why is political office grudgingly seen as a sacrifice when it should be a privilege and an honour?

Emeritus Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong’s recent account of how Edwin Tong…

They say Cheng Bock is no Mahathir, but then Hsien Loong is no Kuan Yew, and the PAP of today is not the PAP of old

There are those who scoff at Dr Tan Cheng Bock’s chances of…