Day: 15 May 2020

Indonesia: Govt should wisely calculate risks of raising national health insurance premium, says head of national medical association

The Indonesian government should calculate the risks of increasing the National Health Insurance Program (JKN) premium in the midst of…

Author Sudhir Vadaketh asks Minister Masagos Zulkifli to remind all politicians of the dangers of "pandemic politicking"

Singaporean author Sudhir Thomas Vadaketh earlier wrote an opinion piece for the South China Morning Post (SCMP) titled “Is electioneering…

HOME highlights issues faced by migrant domestic workers due to implementation of circuit-breaker

While the public is well aware of the multiple issues faced by migrant workers living in dormitories ever since the…

NTU student debunks fabricated news about himself, condemns how SPH publishes unconsented news

As the saga of Singapore Press Holdings (SPH) and an NTU student with COVID-19 continued, the public was previously updated…

More incentives needed to get more people to install TraceTogether app – PSP’s webinar

Progress Singapore Party (PSP) held a webinar on 13 May, titled “TraceTogether Goes OpenSource: Why It Matters!” featuring three panelists…

China asks US to 'meet halfway' after Trump threatens to cut ties

China on Friday urged the United States to meet it halfway and strengthen cooperation in the fight against the coronavirus…

MOH says entry-level nurses earn S$3,300 to S$5,200 monthly after allowances and bonuses; Frontline workers say Govt pays them 'peanuts'

The Ministry of Health (MOH) has responded to media queries pertained to its recruitment call for swabbers and swab assistants,…

Author Sudhir Vadaketh hits back at pro-PAP fanpage for labelling him a China-agent; says he finds it "hilarous"

On 6 May, Global Times Singapore (GTS) accused several prominent Singaporeans who have written opinion pieces for the South China…

COVID-19 reveals business as usual in Singapore is not sustainable

by Robin Low “A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed” is a proverb that tells us that a true…