~ By Leong Sze Hian ~

Amy (not her real name) came to our free financial counselling session with her 39 year old brother David (not his real name), David's wife and their one year old son. Despite numerous appeals to HDB they are still homeless.

From homeless shelter to homeless

David's family of three have been homeless for about a month. They were evicted from a homeless shelter as they had been staying there for more than a year, at a rental of about $100 a month. They have been on the waiting list for a HDB rental flat for about one and a half years.

Financial assistance

In addition to the homeless shelter assistance , they also received $80 in supermarket vouchers every month for six months, and $30 in vouchers for the following three months. David works as a driver-cum-deliveryman on the permanent night shift from 11 p.m. to 11 a.m., six to seven days a week, with a gross monthly pay now of about $1,500.

 Living in an office

His wife and one year old son sleeps in his employer's office, from around 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. everyday, with the permission of his employer. They accompany him on his delivery work from around 6 a.m. to 11 a.m. everyday,  as the office premises is not available when work starts to pick up at the office from around 6 a.m.

Resting in public places

They spend their time from around 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. wandering around to pass the time everyday. For David to get some rest, any public place, like void decks, would have to do. What struck me the hardest during the session with Amy and David's family, was when David's wife asked “For how long more do we have to live like this?"

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分享讽刺视频 网民接资媒局警告信要求撤下

日前,警方和资讯通信媒体发展局(IMDA)发出联合声明,基于网红普丽蒂(Preetipls)的视频被指含侮辱内容,接受警方调查,而呼吁民众不要重新上载或分享有关视频。 本周一,本地Youtube网红“美丽求求你”普丽蒂(Preeti Nair,简称Preetipls),相信是不满电子付费平台epay拍摄的广告宣传照欠缺敏感度,也拍摄讽刺视频回应。 但有关视频在当天中午就被令撤下,警方稍后发文告指有人就普丽蒂上载的视频报案,视频被指含有侮辱性内容。 虽然原视频已遭撤下,但不久后仍有不少网民在脸书和youtube等平台重新上载,遭其他网民疯传。对此警方在前日发文呼吁民众停止在网络散播普丽蒂的视频。 事实上确实有网民,只因为分享视频结果接到资媒局的警告信,要求在六小时内把分享链接和贴文删除。其中社运分子范国瀚也中招。 范国瀚在脸书无奈写道:“我收到要求撤下普丽蒂视频的通知,根据资媒局,如果任由视频散播,会造成族群仇视和纠纷。”他也挖苦道,视频只能留在脸书六个小时,所以还没看的宜从速。 至于另一网民也把资媒局的信函分享在个人脸书,但他认为对于国人族群问题不应被扫在地毯下,大家更应该继续帮助少数族群维护权益。 网红“美丽求求你”拍摄的讽刺视频,亦引起许多争议。有部分网民认为政府有“双重标准”的嫌疑。针对新传媒的争议广告,只需要致歉,然而对网红兄妹的惩罚反而“严正以待”,甚至出动警方调查。  

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