The following is an excerpt from an article first published in Asiaweek in 1999

In choosing Ong as its first candidate back in 1993, the government appeared to have forgotten his independent streak and his activist past. As one of them, they thought there was no need to worry. That was a mistake. As president, Ong promptly set about actively doing the job as it was laid down in the Constitution. Almost immediately there were problems over how much power he should have and how much information he should get. In rapid succession, there were four constitutional amendments to try to plug these holes. Mostly, they entailed grabbing back some of the powers that had been vested in the elected president, like his right to veto both defense spending and laws that curtailed his own authority.

Only regarding the reserves did he continue to hold sole discretionary power; he could decide whether to approve or reject requests to draw on the funds. In order to make such decisions, Ong wanted to know how much the reserves were worth. He hit a roadblock. Those who had the information stalled over okaying its release. There was no urgency since none of the budgets presented to him for approval included a request to draw on the reserves. Still, three years into his presidency, Ong wrote to the government complaining that he had not got the figures. With a general election looming later that year, he felt it was procedurally important that he should know the dollar-and-cents details. Finance Minister Richard Hu says Ong got a response on Aug. 14 – “less than two months later.” Ong says it was “a few months.” The rancor was undisguised and it continued unabated. The government said it would take “56 man-years” to provide the information Ong wanted. The president said tersely: “Never mind. Go ahead.” Later, he agreed to accept just a list of the government’s immovable assets rather than a dollar-and-cents valuation. When he finally got it, he says it was incomplete. He complained that he still learned of vital information from the newspapers, instead of being informed first. And he chafed under the minimal staff he was allotted.

Many of these problems may just have been – as the government has argued – teething pains associated with the civil service dealing with a new, untested institution. But they added up to the unusual image of top officials publicly squabbling, a sight not seen since the 1980s when Lee lambasted the former president and PAP stalwart, Devan Nair.

Read the full article here

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刘燕玲:社理会获2000万元拨款 为10万户低收入家庭提供免费餐饮

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王瑞杰:110亿元“应对冠病坚韧配套” 保护公共健康、支援工友、企业

副总理兼财政部长王瑞杰,于今日下午(16日)发表2021年财政预算案声明。他称为了建设更坚韧的新加坡,政府拨款110亿元,用于“应对冠病坚韧配套”(COVID-19 Resilience Package)。 配套下三管齐下:第一,给予公共卫生所需的支援,保护公共健康及安全地重启经济。 其二,支持有需要的工友和企业。 以及为仍在面对压力的特定领域,提供支援。 在应对冠病坚韧配套”下,政府拨出48亿元用在公共卫生及安全重启经济措施。 他也指出,去年我国整体预算赤字达到649亿元,占我国国内生产总值的13.9%,乃开国以来最高。 在去年疫情影响下,政府耗资将近1000亿元协助国人、企业渡过难关。


日前,一名男子在外出搭乘巴士时,用围脖当作口罩因此遭巴士长拒绝上车,不料却引发男子不满,直接公开在网上直播,怒斥车长歧视。新捷运表示将会严正以待,并通报警方介入调查。 网民Nimal De Silva(19 日)在下午6点左右,于脸书上进行约15分钟的直播,当时他正以黑色围脖遮住口鼻,并指控车长因没有戴口罩而拒绝让他上车。 车长随后也向运作控制中心(operation control centre)求助,要求报警。车长也要求运作控制中心的工作人员直接和Nimal沟通,却被Nimal认为是出于种族原因,并在直播中一直强调司机不会说英语。 最后在与车长僵持不下,巴士只好靠边停站,最后报警处理。 Nimal的直播在网络上引发许多网友关注,直播片段也疯传。对此,新捷运企业联络高级副总裁陈爱玲向《8视界新闻》透露,为防止冠病病毒持续传播,因此是必须强制性在公共交通上佩戴口罩。 而巴士车长有监管之责,负责提醒乘客戴口罩与确保所有乘客应戴上口罩。 她也坦言,类似的事情已经接二连三的发生,“很不幸的,我们巴士车长在履行职责时却遭遇到这样的骚扰甚至是辱骂。…