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Save Atiqah – Second Chances Flea Market



The following was first posted at We Believe in Second Chances.
In March 2011, Atiqah was sentenced to death by Shah Alam’s High Court. You can read her story here.

Atiqah’s family believe that she is innocent, and are now campaigning to raise funds to get a second legal opinion as well as to raise awareness of her case. You can read their blog here.

After hearing of Atiqah’s case, we at Second Chances would also like to do what we can to support her and her family. Thus, to help raise money for the Save Atiqah campaign, we are joining the Sunday Eclectica flea market at The Pigeonhole on Sunday, 10 April.

We’ll be bringing you more updates about what you will be able to find at our stalls this week, so watch this space!

We Believe In Second Chances

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