PAP supporters are the 'silent majority'?

~by: Ghui~ In the article entitled “Silent Majority is truly disturbing” (Yahoo!…

Pay for Performance

~by: Tan Kin Lian~ I wish to add my views to the…

40% Discounted Ministers anyone? I'd say, 'No thanks!'

~by: Ravi Philemon~ “If the annual salary of the Minister of Information,…

The ministerial pay debate that will never be

~by: Howard Lee~ With the long and extensive debate on ministerial pay…

Ministerial Salary – It’s not (just) about the Money

~by: Tan Yin Hoe~ The Ministerial salary issue, says Prime Minister Lee…

Salaries that are beyond reach, must still be logical

~by: Ravi Philemon~ Many Singaporeans, I believe, will agree that Ministers should…

How fair is our criminal justice system?

~by: Teo Soh Lung~ The recent decision in the motion filed by…

放于利而行, 多怨──从部长薪金调整谈起

~by: 陳胤豪 ~ 「政治职位薪金检讨委员会」最近公布的检讨报告,其中仍以企业界顶薪为计算基准的做法,引发争议。反对意见一方面认为新薪资的绝对数字还是过高,另一方面则认为标准不够合理,有违从政者的奉献精神。 委员会的主要考虑则是:薪金必须具有「竞争力」,以免「适当人才」对从政望之却步。(Salaries must be competitive so that people of…

Jolovan Wham: We do this for social justice

~by: Ellery Aruldoss~ ~picture: AH~ Social work has always taken a backseat…

Catherine Lim: My best hope lies in the young Singaporeans

the following is the full transcript of Dr Catherine Lim’s acceptance speech…