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In focus: Tan Tee Seng



By Kumaran Pillai and Cheong Yaoming –

In 1987, a group of civil activists were arrested in relation to an alleged plot to overthrow the government through violent means and to bring about social revolution through Marxist inspired practices. Till today, the 16 of those who were detained without trial claim that they were innocent and have committed no crime against the state. Yet, the government is steadfast in their claim that these individuals were indeed conspirators and their intention was to "subvert Singapore's political and social order using communist united front tactics.”

TOC has previously published many articles on the ISA (including a full feature week in 2009) and shall continue to do so in the future. The ISA is seen as an archaic, outdated, outmoded, and a ‘sharp instrument.’ While some perceive that the ISA is even more relevant today than in the past (given the threat of terrorism related activities in the region) there are  those who believe that ISA can be ‘misused’ for the political ends of any sitting government.

Some political observers say that the Marxists arrest of 1987 had a chilling effect on Singapore’s socio-political scene. People voluntarily withdrew from political activities and they traded political freedom to economic progress.  Singapore did exceptionally well, economically, through the late 80’s and the 90’s. But, with an economy that is under pressure and because of the effects of globalisation, inflation, demographic changes and the growing wealth gap there is  an increasing awareness that speaking up freely could at least be a beginning to solving these problems,  to allow the best ideas a better chance of being aired.

 With that in mind, I spoke to Tan Tee Seng, a former ISA (Internal Security Act) detainee. He spoke about the circumstances surrounding his detention, his political persuasions (then and now) and whether the ISA is still relevant in today’s political climate.


Tell us more about yourself in 1987 and what were you doing back then?


I was a 28 years old Marketing Executive with a publishing and design company as well as a specialist in publishing technology. I was in the midst of the preparation for my wedding. All invitations were already sent out and our big day was just a few days away.




The newspaper reports labelled you as a Marxist and said that you wanted to use violent means to overthrow the government of the day. What is your reaction to that?


Consider the following facts:

(1) I was supposed to be a “conspirator” of a conspiracy which I did not know existed. My activities were all open and I was involved in legitimate organisations that existed.

(2) I did not know many of the people that were detained.

(3) I was not personally acquainted with Tan Wah Piow, the alleged master mind. I finally got acquainted with Tan Wah Piow in 2002 some 15 years later.

(4) I was in solitary confinement for first six weeks of my detention and did not have any clue of the “network” published by the government. When I first got a glance of the newspaper clipping during my lawyer’s visit, I almost fell off my chair. By then I was already served with a detention order – indefinite detention without trial. During my detention, I was constantly reminded by ISD officers of Chia Thai Poh, who was still languishing in detention after more than two decades of imprisonment without trial. My release and freedom lied in the hands of a small group of people – it was not for what I did, it was for what they thought I did! I wanted to get out.




How were you arrested and where were you at the time of arrest?


I was arrested at our matrimonial home, a flat in Serangoon Central. I remember watching Miss Universe contest with my young fiancée till early in the morning and went to bed only at about 2 am. They came at 4ish in the morning. Before I unlocked the gate of my house, they showed me an Immigration Officer’s ID and told me that they were looking for illegal immigrants.

When I unlocked the gate, the officers then identified that they were from ISD and I was under arrest. They handcuffed me and pushed me into one of my room while they proceed to search the house. I was not allowed to see what they did; this was upsetting because I wouldn’t know if they had planted anything in my house. I was not given a list of what they had taken. The search took about 2 hours and I knew that because I noticed the first light of the day was already coming through. I was blind folded before I stepped out of the house; my fiancée was detained as well. We were then led by two agents on each side into a car, presumably unmarked.




What was going through your mind when you were in detention?


I was confused and tried to search for the reason for what was happening. I thought I was very careful and had put a ten-foot pole between my activism and what I considered subversive. The initial interrogation was over a continuous period of more than 65 hours. I practically collapsed and was dragged to the cell by two Gurkhas. I was concerned of the impact of my detention on my family and my friends.



Can you share with us what happened during the interrogation?


I was brought to the basement of Whitley Detention Centre, stripped of all clothing and forced to wear prison garb with no footwear. The interrogation took place in a dark cold room 10 feet by 8 feet (about the size of a standard HDB flat room). The air con was turned on full blast and I was interrogated continuously by 2 teams of 3 people (1 investigating officer and 2 ISD officers) on rotating shifts. I was confused and disoriented by their continual harassment to admit because I was not sure what I was admitting to and if they even had evidence to support the charges against me!

At one point during the interrogation the ISD Deputy Director entered the room and asked the team if I was cooperating. Suddenly, he threw a full blooded slap to my face before anyone could answer him. Despite the physical abuse, the worst aspect of the interrogation was the mental torture – “We can lock you up indefinitely and throw away the key”. I was afraid I would remained imprisoned till I die and never get to see my loved ones.




What followed next? What was the first thing you did after you were released?


After the exhausting 65 hours interrogation, I was put in solitary confinement for 6 weeks. The cell had barely enough ventilation and only one small fluorescent light that was turned on 24/7 so that I would have no sense of time. I had to bang the door and ask the guards permission to use the toilet. They did provide me 3 square meals daily and 20 minutes of ‘outdoor time’. For “outdoor time”, they just brought me to a bigger room than my cell with an air-well to see outside.

I was allowed my first family visit after 2 weeks in solitary confinement. After I was released, I went back to work almost immediately but was placed under restriction orders.




Now, you have been asking for a full investigation into your arrests and detention. How is your progress on that front?


ISA is a bad law and it has strangled the political development of this country. Look at countries in the region such as South Korea, Taiwan, Philippines and Indonesia. They have undergone political reformation and we are witnessing now is an active citizenry in place of dictatorship. The young people are striding ahead confidently. Here in Singapore we are still stuck in political divisiveness carried forward from the politics practiced some 50 years ago. ISA is a divisive law and it has no place in modern society.

It is more important that we abolish the law than conducting any inquiry at this stage. With the abolishment of the ISA, the country can then move on. Another important step is to embrace political diversity and allow all our political exiles (from abroad) to come back to rebuild their lives in Singapore. I am optimistic, I believe that I will live to see the change because all we need is the political will from the ruling elites and if that is not forthcoming, then civil societies of Singapore with increased political awareness of Singaporeans of the current political repression and with the a politically awaken citizenry, the government of the day shall be persuaded towards a more liberal democracy – ISA will have to go!

I agreed to this interview because I want Singapore to move forward, not settle political scores or personal vendettas. After the Operation Spectrum incident, civil society shut down in fear of not knowing what the OB markers were. It took a whole generation to find their voice and active citizenry was reborn. I don’t want history to repeat itself. The government cannot see all the problems from their perspective and they certainly cannot provide all the solutions. This is the gap only active citizenry can fill.




Thank you for this interview and I wish you all the best in your endeavours.


You too!

A session themed "That We May Dream Again – Remembering the 1987 “Marxist Conspiracy” will be held on 3pm to 7pm | Saturday 2 June 2012 | Speakers’ Corner, Hong Lim Park.

Kumaran Pillai is the Chief Editor of The Online Citizen. Cheong Yaoming is the Interim Executive Editor of The Online Citizen

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Ng Eng Hen: Dust clouds likely caused armoured vehicle collision during Exercise Wallaby

Dust clouds limiting visibility likely contributed to the collision between two Hunter vehicles during Exercise Wallaby, Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen explained in his parliamentary reply. 12 servicemen sustained mild injuries, but safety measures prevented more serious outcomes. A formal investigation is ongoing to ensure further safety improvements.



SINGAPORE: Low visibility caused by dust clouds was identified as the likely cause of the collision between two Hunter armoured fighting vehicles (AFVs) during Exercise Wallaby last month, Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen said in a written parliamentary response on Tuesday (15 October).

The incident, which occurred in Queensland, Australia, on 24 September 2024, resulted in mild injuries to 12 servicemen.

Dr Ng’s statement was in response to a parliamentary question from Mr Dennis Tan, Workers’ Party Member of Parliament for Hougang SMC.

Mr Tan asked for details on the accident, specifically its cause and whether any lessons could be applied to enhance training and operational safety within the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF).

The collision took place during a night-time movement of Hunter AFVs at the Shoalwater Bay Training Area.

The vehicles were returning to base when one rear-ended another. Dr Ng explained that the dust clouds generated by the AFVs’ movement significantly impaired visibility, might likely contributing to the accident.

The 12 affected servicemen sustained mild injuries and were promptly taken to the nearest medical facility.

None of the injuries required hospitalisation, and all 12 servicemen were able to rejoin their units for training the next day.

According to the minister, adherence to safety protocols—such as wearing seat belts and protective gear—played a crucial role in limiting the injuries to mild ones.

Following the incident, a safety pause was immediately implemented, with all drivers being reminded to maintain proper safety distances, especially when visibility was compromised.

Troops were also reminded to adhere strictly to safety protocols, including the proper use of safety equipment, Dr Ng added.

The safety lessons from the incident were shared not only with the affected units but also with other participating groups in the exercise, as well as units back in Singapore, through dedicated safety briefings.

Mr Tan also asked about the broader implications of the incident. In his response, Dr Ng said that a formal investigation had been launched in accordance with SAF’s safety incident protocol.

The investigation aims to assess the circumstances more thoroughly and identify any further measures that could be taken to enhance safety.

Dr Ng shared that recommendations arising from the investigation will be implemented where necessary.

Exercise Wallaby is SAF’s largest unilateral overseas exercise, and the 2024 edition began on 8 September, running until 3 November.

The exercise involves approximately 6,200 personnel, including 500 operationally ready national servicemen.

The exercise has been conducted at Shoalwater Bay Training Area in Queensland since 1990, and it is a key part of SAF’s overseas training program.

The Hunter AFV, one of the vehicles involved in the collision, is a state-of-the-art platform jointly developed by the Defence Science and Technology Agency, the Singapore Army, and ST Engineering.

It replaced the SAF’s aging fleet of Ultra M113 AFVs in 2019, which had been in service since the 1970s. The Hunter is equipped with advanced features, including a 30mm cannon, a 76mm smoke grenade launcher, and an automatic target detection and

tracking system designed to enhance operational effectiveness. It is also capable of traveling at increased speeds and covering longer distances, making it a versatile asset for the SAF.

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Current Affairs

Government to “carefully consider” Lee Hsien Yang’s demolition application for 38 Oxley Road

The Singapore Government will “carefully consider” Mr Lee Hsien Yang (LHY)’s application to demolish the house at 38 Oxley Road. LHY announced his intent on Tuesday morning following the recent death of his sister, Dr Lee Wei Ling, reaffirming his commitment to honour his parents’ wish for the house’s demolition.



The Singapore Government has indicated that it will “carefully consider” Mr Lee Hsien Yang’s (LHY) application to demolish the family home at 38 Oxley Road.

LHY, the youngest son of Singapore’s founding Prime Minister, the late Lee Kuan Yew (LKY), announced his intention to apply for the demolition in a Facebook post on 15 October 2024, following the death of his sister, Dr Lee Wei Ling, on 9 October.

The announcement marks a significant development in the ongoing saga over the fate of the historically significant property, which has been at the heart of a family dispute since LKY’s passing in 2015.

In his will, executed in December 2013, LKY expressed his desire for the house to be demolished “immediately after” Dr Lee moved out of the property. Dr Lee, a prominent neurologist, had been the last remaining resident of the house.

LHY reaffirmed his commitment to carrying out his father’s wishes, stating, “After my sister’s passing, I am the only living executor of my father’s estate. It is my duty to carry out his wishes to the fullest extent of the law.”

He added that he would seek to build a small private dwelling on the site, which would be “held within the family in perpetuity”.

LHY also referenced his brother, Senior Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s (LHL) remarks in Parliament in 2015, when he was Prime Minister, stating that upon Dr Lee’s passing, the decision to demolish the house would rest with the “Government of the day.”

In response to media queries regarding LHY’s announcement, a spokesperson for the Ministry of National Development (MND) acknowledged the intended application and emphasised that the Government would “carefully consider issues related to the property in due course”.

The spokesperson also highlighted that any decision would need to balance LKY’s wishes, public interest, and the historical value of the house.

The house at 38 Oxley Road, where key decisions about Singapore’s path to independence were made, has been a focal point of public and political discussion.

The future of the house became contentious in 2017 when LHY and Dr Lee publicly accused their elder brother, LHL, of trying to preserve the house against their father’s wishes for political reasons.

LHL denied the accusations, issuing a Ministerial Statement in Parliament, where he also raised concerns over the preparation of their father’s final will. He clarified that he had recused himself from all decisions regarding the property and affirmed that any government action would be impartial.

In 2018, a “secret” ministerial committee, which was formed in 2016 to study the future of 38 Oxley Road, proposed three options: preserving the property and designating it as a national monument, partially demolishing the house while retaining the historically significant basement dining room, or allowing complete demolition for redevelopment. LHL accepted the committee’s conclusions but stated that no immediate decision was necessary, as Dr Lee was still living in the house.

In a statement conveyed by LHY on behalf of Dr Lee after her passing, she reiterated her strong support for her father’s wish to demolish the house. “My father, Lee Kuan Yew, and my mother, Kwa Geok Choo, had an unwavering and deeply felt wish for their house at 38 Oxley Road to be demolished upon the last parent’s death,” the statement read.

She added, “He had also appealed directly to the people of Singapore. Please honour my father by honouring his wish for his home to be demolished.”

Despite selling the house to LHY at market value in 2015, LHL’s stance regarding the house’s preservation became a public issue, especially after the family disclosed that the Government had raised concerns about reinstating the demolition clause in the 2013 will. The ministerial committee had reviewed the matter, but a final decision was deferred until now.

The fate of 38 Oxley Road remains to be seen, but the Government’s decision will likely have lasting implications for the legacy of the Lee family and the conservation of Singapore’s historical landmarks.

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