Critical Spectator

When the establishment repeat its lies, hoping for it to become facts

People’s Action Party’s greatest foreign supporter and propagandist, ‘Critical Spectator’ or Michael Petraeus, has made a repeated unsustained claim against…

S’porean blogger once again rebuts Critical Spectator’s claim that S’pore grew richer by S$235b during pandemic

Did Singapore really grow richer by S$235 billion? Critical Spectator first claimed this in an article, titled ‘Singapore is richer…

S’porean blogger rebuts Critical Spectator’s claim that S’pore reserves increased S$235 billion during the pandemic

A Singaporean blogger, Pat Low, who runs the blog “Chempost: Going down the rabbit hole”, refuted the Critical Spectator’s (CS)…

PAP MP shares commentary post on S’pore national reserves made by foreign commentator

People’s Action Party (PAP) Member of Parliament (MP) for Tampines GRC Baey Yam Keng took to his Facebook last Wednesday…

Police investigates Singaporean PJ Thum for alleged election rules violations, but not Critical Spectator – why?

On 23 September, the Critical Spectator Facebook page—run by Polish national Michael Petraeus—revealed that he had been investigated by the…

Netizen calls out Critical Spectator for its misleading post about Jamus Lim’s quote of economic theory

A netizen called out commentator Facebook page Critical Spectator for its misleading post about the Workers’ Party (WP) elected Member…

Critical Spectator Facebook page is back up after being removed; Ho Ching quick to share a post by CS

The commentary Facebook page Critical Spectator (CS) is back up and running again after it was removed by Facebook just…

Will Government deal with all “foreign interventions” fairly or will it just target those which are critical?

In an interview with Bloomberg earlier this year, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong (PM Lee) had justified the necessity for the…