The Facebook user who claimed he was “one of the first” to leak the Workers’ Party (WP) candidate Raeesah Khan’s comments on social media is now being investigated by the police. They are looking into his alleged comments that contain deliberate intent to wound religious or racial feelings, and for harassment.

The Singapore Police Force (SPF) stated on Tuesday (7 July) that reports have been lodged against the Facebook user who used the moniker “Abdul Malik Mohammed Ghazali”.

“The Police are looking into the alleged offences of posting comments on social media with deliberate intent to wound religious or racial feelings under Section 298 of the Penal Code and harassment under Section 4 of the Protection from Harassment Act,” the SPF asserted.

Police investigations are currently ongoing.

This came after Mr Abdul Malik aired his controversial views publicly on Facebook following two reports that were lodged against Ms Raeesah, with regards to her comments on social media that allegedly promote “enmity between different groups on grounds of religion or race”.

In his Facebook post on 5 July, he hinted that he was among the first to leak Ms Raeesah’s comments and expressed his hopes for her candidacy in the General Election (GE) to come to “an abrupt end”.

Moreover, Mr Abdul Malik seems to be making a threat against her father by saying, “Who cares about your father? SMCCI very big, meh? Best for you to step down, Raeesa[h], or he’ll be next.” This explains why he was being investigated under Section 4 of the Protection from Harassment Act.

The Facebook post, however, has since been deleted or made private after it garnered a negative response from many people.

Meanwhile, some netizens then started to dig out old tweets of him that contain a racial slur, which explains why Mr Abdul Malik is now being charged with an offence of posting deliberate intent to wound religious or racial feelings under Section 298 of the Penal Code.

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