The fifth person to die of COVID-19 in Singapore is an 86-year-old woman with no recent travel history to affected countries as regions. She is also the third Singaporean citizen to die of the virus.
The Ministry of Health (MOH) confirmed that she died due to complications from the virus early today (3 April) morning at 1.55 am.
The woman was admitted to the National Centre for Infectious Diseases (NCID) on 31 March and was confirmed to have the infection on the same day. She was designated as Case 918 by MOH on 31 March. A few days later, she succumbed to the virus.
NCID has reached out to her family and is extending their assistance to them.

MOH has not revealed any further details on the woman.

Other COVID-19 deaths in Singapore so far

The woman’s death comes just a day after MOH reported the country’s fourth COVID-19 fatality yesterday, a 68-year-old Indonesian national who was a Work Pass Holder and had been in Indonesia from 20 January to 16 March.
Prior to that, MOH confirmed the country’s third fatality on 29 March. This was a 70 year-old male Singapore Citizen with no recent travel history to affected countries and regions.
And earlier on 1 March, the the ministry confirmed the deaths of the first two patients who passed away from complications due to COVID-19 infection. The first was a 75 year-old female Singapore Citizen with a history of chronic heart disease and hypertension, while the second was a 64 year-old male Indonesian national who was was admitted in critical condition to the ICU at NCID on 13 March, after arriving in Singapore from Indonesia on the same day.
This brings the country’s COVID-19 death toll to five.
As of 12pm on 2 April, MOH has confirmed 1,049 cases of the COVID-19. Of those, 266 cases have fully recovered have been discharged while another 315 cases who are clinically well but still test positive for the virus are being isolated at various healthcare facilities.
Also, 464 are still in hospital, most of whom are stable or improving. Of those, 23 remain in critical condition in the intensive care unit.

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