Source: BI

A 68-year-old Indonesian national who tested positive for COVID-19 has died due to complications of the virus early today (2 April) morning at 6.43 am, the Ministry of Health (MOH) confirmed in a statement.
The man was a Singapore Work Pass Holder and had been in Indonesia from 20 January to 16 March.
He was later admitted to Singapore’s National Centre for Infectious Diseases (NCID) on 22 March and was confirmed to have the virus on the same day. MOH noted that the man was admitted in ICU since 26 March.
He was designated Case 476 in a statement by the ministry last week as part of 48 new cases announced on 23 March. No further detail of the patient was revealed by MOH.
According to MOH, the man developed “serious complications” and eventually succumbed to the virus after a week in ICU. He also had a history of diabetes and hypertension.
This brings the country’s COVID-19 death toll to four.
NCID says it has reached out to the man’s family and is extending assistance to them.
As of 12 pm on 1 April, MOH has confirmed a total of 1,000 cases of COVID-19, with 245 having fully recovered.

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