Following two videos that went viral last Friday (29 Nov), featuring a Trans-Cab driver violently harassing a motorist in one and berating a couple in another, TOC reached out to Trans-Cab for their comments on both incidents but was left out in the cold.
However, as reported by The Straits Times (ST) on 30 November, Trans-Cab has terminated the contract of the aforementioned driver. The 42-year-old cab driver began his employment for the company earlier in July.
In the first one-and-a-half-minute video, the cab driver, dressed in a white checkered shirt and black pants, wearing a beanie and surgical mask along with a sling bag, was seen engaging in an aggressive behaviour towards a motorist – who remained in his car the whole time, filming the incident.

While in the second video that only lasted thirty seconds, the driver was caught hurling vulgarities at a couple who was with their child.
The police stated that they have established the identity of the taxi driver.
They noted that the driver was involved in a case of road rage along Paterson Hill on 22 November, as well as a case of criminal intimidation and voluntarily causing hurt at 14 Scotts Road on 24 November.
Further investigations are ongoing.

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