Sad eyes of a cat that was trapped. Homeless cat from

69-year-old woman was fined $5,000 by the Court today for using her residence to breed cats for sale without a pet farm licence.

The Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority of Singapore (AVA) received feedback on the welfare of cats kept at Lo Piang Yong’s residence in June 2018.

When AVA’s officers conducted an inspection, they found a total of 70 cats kept in separate cages. Fortunately, no welfare concerns for the cats found during investigations. However, the authority found that Lo had been using her residence to breed cats for commercial sale, without a pet farm licence.

Farm licence is required for breeding cats for sale. Anyone found guilty of operating an unlicensed pet farm can be fined up to $10,000 and/or jailed up 12 months.

AVA stated that safeguarding animal welfare is a shared responsibility that needs the cooperation of all stakeholders, including the public. Members of the public can play part by being vigilant. The public should promptly report cases of illegal pet breeding to AVA via its24-hour hotline, 1800-476-1600 or via its website.

In the same day, a 50-year-old man was fined $16,000 and issued 12-month disqualification order for throwing a cat and a kitten out of a HDB unit window at Boon Lay Drive in July 2017.

Earlier this month, a stirring incident of animal cruelty took place at Galistan Avenue in Bukit Panjang, where at least 3 dogs were found cremated. 18 dogs and 1 pet rabbit were found ill treated inside the facility and at least 2 dogs went missing.

The Platinium Dogs Club has been under investigation by the authorities following complaints of alleged mistreatment of animals under its care.

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文礼当铺劫案嫌犯今早面控,名为谢赫莫哈末拉赞的孟加拉籍建筑工人,涉嫌在上周六(28日),企图打劫文礼地铁站外的方圆当(ValueMax),今日在法庭被控企图持械抢劫和展示仿制军火罪。 法庭资料显示,被告当时向当铺经理展示一把21公分菜刀,以及黑色疑似手枪的物件。警方则指出,嫌犯抢劫未遂,曾恫言要炸掉当铺。 29岁的嫌犯自去年12月起,就在本地逾期逗留。其实际犯罪动机仍在调查中。在7月28日当天下午4时许,嫌犯走进上述地点当铺,拿出刀和假手枪,威胁当铺职员交出财物。当时他头上包着粉红色头巾作掩饰。 职员拒绝就范,嫌犯便恫言要炸掉当铺,把一个疑似炸弹的物品丢在柜台,没有盗取任何财物就逃离现场。职员立即把物品丢出店外并报警。 嫌犯干案后逃离现场,立即变装,将原有干案器械、头巾和衣物,装进黑色背包丢在裕廊西一组屋单位的盆栽后面。该单位住户在案发三小时后发现背包并报警处理。 据警方调查,嫌犯干案用的仿制手枪不再背包里,目前仍在搜寻。假枪乃用塑料组装。至于疑似炸弹的物品,也只是些电子零件。 警方直至本月1日傍晚7电,在马士吉街苏丹回教堂捕获嫌犯。 警方在昨日押嫌犯前往案发现场取证,协助调查。 不过,在法庭上嫌犯却声称自己当天喝醉了,坚称没有出示刀子和手枪,只是向职员展示炸弹。法官下令继续还押嫌犯,直到本月10日再过堂。 企图持械抢劫,一旦罪成被告可被判坐牢两年至七年,以及至少12下鞭刑。展示仿制军火指控罪成,则可悲监禁十年,和至少三下鞭刑。


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