Kirsten Han (Image from Kirsten Han / Facebook)

Singaporean journalist Kirsten Han was awarded an honourable in recognition of her extraordinary reporting on rule of law issues by The World Justice Project (WJP).

She was honoured alongside five other outstanding journalists: Diego Cupolo (based in Turkey); Christian Davies (based in Poland); Alice Driver (based in Mexico); Emily Dugan (of the United Kingdom); and Emily Feng (of China).

Kirsten is a freelance journalist and Editor-in-Chief of New Naratif, as well as curator of the weekly e-newsletter We, The Citizens. Though she largely reports on Singapore, Kirsten also covers stories from abroad in countries like Malaysia, Greece, and Scotland. In 2016, Kirsten was names Advocate of the Year at the Singapore Advocacy Awards for her work as a journalist and her role in the anti-death penalty campaign. That same year, she was also named Champion of Gender Justice and Equality by AWARE.

The World Justice Project Honourable Mention award was presented in conjunction with the WJP Anthony Lewis Prize for Exceptional Rule of Law Journalism 2018 which was given to a reporting team from Mexico’s Animal Politico for their investigative reporting series “To Murder in Mexico” Impunity Guaranteed”.

The WJP Anthony Lewis Prize for Exceptional Rule of Law Journalism was created to acknowledge journalists from around the world who have contributed to increased awareness and understanding of the importance of the rule of law. The award was named in honor of Anthony Lewis, a Pulitzer Prize-winning author and journalist, who was a friend and inspiration to the World Justice Project.

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