The Singapore International Cyber Week (SICW) 2018 is an established cybersecurity event where interested parties can discuss, network, and strategise with like-minded individuals and organisations.

The event emphasises international and regional cooperation, cyber ecosystem development and innovation. Happening on 18 to 20 September, the theme for this year’s SICW is ‘Forging a Trusted and Open Cyberspace’.

Those who are interested in attending the event are directed to the GEVME site where they can get their tickets.

Unfortunately, the site is undergoing a scheduled maintenance on 14 to 16 September, making it impossible for anyone to register. The site says that registration will resume on 17 September at 10am. The website urged people to complete their registrations before the scheduled maintenance period

Kind of ironic that the registration portal would schedule a website maintenance lasting a period of over 72 hours a few days before an event. Surely they had advance notice of the event, so shouldn’t the maintenance be rescheduled for a more appropriate time?

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