ICA: 11 puppies hidden in a modified fuel tank

ICA: 11 puppies hidden in a modified fuel tank

Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) found 11 puppies hidden in a modified fuel tank of the car of a Malaysia-registered car, driven by a lone 43-year-old male Malaysian on 23 March 2017, at about 9 pm.
The said vehicle was directed for further checks upon arrival at the Woodlands Checkpoint.
ICA said that its officers found the hidden puppies during the inspection. The driver, the puppies and the car were referred to the Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority (AVA).
ICA noted that investigation is ongoing.
ICA stressed that animals that are smuggled into Singapore are of unknown health status and may introduce exotic diseases, such as rabies, into the country. The importation of any animals or live birds without an AVA permit is illegal and carries a maximum penalty of $10,000 and/or imprisonment of up to one year.
ICA and AVA remind travellers against bringing live animals, birds and insects into Singapore without a proper permit.
The public can refer to AVA’s website or download AVA’s mobile app, SG TravelKaki (available free-of-charge from iTunes and the Google Play store), for more information on bringing back animals from overseas travels.

Puppies found in a modified fuel tank of the car (Source : ICA).
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