2,041 cartons and 60 packets of duty-unpaid cigarettes hidden in bus was seized by ICA at Tuas checkpoint

2,041 cartons and 60 packets of duty-unpaid cigarettes hidden in bus was seized by ICA at Tuas checkpoint

A total of 2,041 cartons and 60 packets of duty-unpaid cigarettes were seized by Officers from the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA).
The potential duty as well as Goods and Services Tax of the duty-unpaid cigarettes evaded amounted to about S$158,840 and S$11,770 respectively.

The innocuous bus with duty-unpaid cigarettes hidden in various modified compartments / photo: ica.gov.sg
Officers from the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) directed a Malaysia-directed bus, driven by a lone 24-year-old male Malaysian, for further checks upon its arrival at Tuas checkpoint on 19 March 2017 at about 10pm.
Upon investigation, ICA officers uncovered duty-unpaid cigarettes concealed in the modified air-con duct, roof luggage compartment and roof compartment of the bus.
Duty-unpaid cigarettes concealed in the modified luggage compartment / photo: ica.gov.sg
Duty-unpaid cigarettes concealed in the modified air-con duct / photo: ica.gov.sg
Duty-unpaid cigarettes concealed in the modified roof compartment of the bus / photo: ica.gov.sg
The driver, the exhibits and the bus were handed over to Singapore Customs for further investigations.
In its press release, ICA stressed that it will keep up security checks on passengers and vehicles at checkpoints as these are critical to the nation’s security. “The same methods of concealment used by contraband smugglers may be used by terrorists to smuggle arms and explosives to carry out attacks in Singapore,” it said.

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