A 37-year-old Indonesian domestic worker has been charged in court on Wednesday (15 February) with the murder of her 78-year-old employer in her living room of flat at Block 276, Tampines Street 22 on Monday (13 February) afternoon at around 2.10pm.
Minah had allegedly killed the elderly, Madam Tay Quee Lang, who was found dead with a knife wound on her neck.
She was dressed in black-and-white striped top when she attended the court.
Minah was represented by Mr Nasser Ismail who is appointed by the Indonesian embassy. The lawyer told reporters outside the court that he had only spoken briefly to Minah, adding that she was quite shocked by the incident.
Minah was the only person in the flat at the time of the incident. Her employer has been wheelchair-bound since last year after she experienced a fall. She lived in the flat with her husband Mr Tan Hee Seng, who is in his 70s. She has only been working for the family for the last month.
The Police said that when its officers arrived at the scene, the woman was lying motionless. The elderly suffered a knife wound on her neck. She was pronounced dead at the scene by paramedics.
The Police said that they received a call asking for their assistance at about 2.10pm on Monday. Minah was then taken away by the Police to assist them with investigations.
Minah will be remanded for psychiatric evaluation at Changi Women’s Prison and will return to court on 8 March.

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